Is dextrose safe to eat?: - Gluten Free Guerr...
Is dextrose safe to eat?


Dextrose is an ingredient made from starch, and can come from some common grains such as rice, corn or wheat. It is important to remember it is a highly processed ingredient that is gluten free no matter which starch is used.
Dextrose is also a simple sugar that is naturally produced in the body. It is known as glucose and is a gluten free and easily digestible additive.
Despite the similar sounding names, it should not be confused with either Dextrin or Maltodextrin, which are not as highly processed and depends on what is used and where it is processed (Country) that brings into question if it is safe.
FYI, In the US corn is big business and dextrose is much simpler and cheaper to make from corn than other grains hence dextrose in the US is normally corn based.
In the US dextrose is the name given to glucose made from corn which's biochemically the same as glucose ( the sugar) in our blood. So the link from suite 101 is correct for corn from dextrose in the US.

Dextrose derived frum corn iz =NOT= thu SAME az human blud glucose BUT, , sufishently SIMilar az to deceive thu human body into abzorbing it az IF it were AND thus, thu many and vaireus illlllllnesez reLATED thairto, are thu SAD, SAD, SAD reZULT, beCUZ most USA corn NOW being solely uv GMO sorse BUT, , regardles uv how NEGativ whutever mere THOTS on this seemingly insane topic, , az "I" see it, far WORSE than thu stedily increasing vaireus NEW illnesez created thus, iz thu simple, dastardly, UN-mistaken, PERM-anently in-culcated reALITY that in MOST casez, , alergies and illnesez created thus can NOT =EVER= be cured, and if profesy iz ubout to UN-fold thus, THAT iz whairfrum eventually we must learn to endure that althoh in past timez when a cure could NOT be found, , , thu victim would simply die a painful deth, NOT so in thu fyootyr when regardles uv whutever amount uv sufering, thay shal SEEK deth but NOT find it, becuz uv thu body having been planted with terminator genes that turn =OFFF= thu preveus attribute uv eventual deth in extreeem casez. Terminator genez are thoze that prevent whutever orijinal genetic routine frum being trigered, whether thu reproduction cycle gene or whutever uther. Health unlocked iz NOW uh foregone concloozyn in that NO more can it be eeezee to proTECT and or lock-IN yor helth frum being permanetly contaminated, when insects can carry GMO pollen across oceanz, , , , , az haz oh-currrred.
It's a bit more complicated than this as dextrose derived from wheat can contain gluten as can maltodextrin. The EFSA (European food standards agency) did tests on coeliac and those who are wheat intolerant with 30ppm gluten content which's now above codex.
Please see:
Not all coeliac can tolerate these low levels of gluten and in the US, Australia and NZ they have to label wheat derivatives as exactly that.
Not all coeliac can tolerate these traces of gluten and sadly Coeliac UK do not seem to acknowledge this. Whereas in Australia where they have 5 ppm they advise coeliac who are still having issues on the diet to avoid these polyols derived from wheat.
So it depends on how sensitive you are to gluten whether you can tolerate dextrose derived from wheat and the concentration.

All that you have said, Jerry, is true and more particularly for those who have been diagnosed as adults rather than children.
As far as I am aware, there has never been any research on the percentage of gluten in low gluten food products (20ppm) there actually is. What amount of food constitutes 20ppm? Half a slice of bread? One slice of bread? No-one appears to know. Also as any amount of gluten causes villi atrophy and those who have been diagnosed of adults often take years (if at all) to heal completely, surely it could never be worth the risk of ingesting any gluten. We do have to be realistic and as much as it would be nice to think that we have just another disease - we do have an autoimmune disease which can evolve into further autoimmune disorders which are triggered by ingestion of gluten.
There is quite a fair bit of information about coeliacs that develop the disease as adults here that is worth a read:
As the others have said, personally would avoid dextrose, maltodextrin and dextrin along with hydrolysed vegetable protein, modified starch and vegetable oil unless they specifically state from which source they have been made.
Although the official line from Coeliac UK is that they are safe, my experience and observations of others is that many coeliacs have problems.
Thanks, this is very helpful. Could you tell me any more about the vegetable oil - is this a cross-contamination thing or something to do with processing of mixed oils?
I usually cook with olive oil and butter, or sometimes peanut oil, so it hasn't really been an issue at home, but I have started having mild problems with some crisps and cereal bars, all of which which ought to be gluten free, which I'm trying to get to the bottom of. I hadn't actually thought about oil at all...
In Canada, ALLL corn & sunflower oil I've reserched, iz derived frum GMO prodoos & thus, iz danjerus to helth-conshus people, and canola-oil being directly frum genetically altered seed, can't be any beter, nor can peanut oil that for more than a decade, haz been frum radiated seed becuz it's THAT process that cauzez it to prodoos MORE, like az bovine hormone in all CDN milk, becuz it compelz thu cow to prodoos MORE than Eden designed and engineered into it, , and why should profit oriented gov'ts be conserned when this new illness-industry iz thu most lucrativ since the evention uv thu steam enjine. For decadez, peanut-butter waz my favorite kind uv sandwich, until uhbout 17 yearz back, when I discuvered that NO peanut butter meant NO more migrain headaches, and research confirmed it all began when without warning, my CDN sorse uv peanut-butter waz frum radiated peanuts. Why blame former peanut farmer president Carter? More peanuts meant more peanut oil & more $ in pocket, and az long az we hav guvernments globally, based on GREEED, that WON'T chanje, and yoo can't honestly blame thu politicianz when thu majority demand permission to abuse legislated rights and freedomz -OR- thay'll vote yoo OUT uv office. Iz yor helth uv much valyoo without uh 9-5 job to clock-in at? NO! That's not MY perspectiv, 'cuz I be in a minority sircumstans that values ethics, morals, principles & sane standardz uhbuv greed BUT, that don't chanje society uh whit. Look uhround and tel me if it's any DIFrent whair YOO liv . . .
Can you please type properly! Your contribution to the discussion is useless if no one can read it!
It's interesting that's for sure and you have to read it phonetically so that uhbuv is above and this sentence:
and why should profit oriented gov'ts be conserned when this new illness-industry iz thu most lucrativ since the evention uv thu steam enjine.
and why should profit orientated govt's be concerned when this new illness industry is the most lucrative since the invention of the steam engine.
You see I'm a multi lingual silly yak and speak gibberish fluently LOL.
You said it! Yoozrname, this is no place to practice 'Misspelling 101'. You may have good points here but I find myself scrolling past your post ... If you are looking for attention, this is not the way to do it!
Vegetable oil can be made from a variety of substances - rapeseed, palms, sunflowers, wheat, corn.
I have had issues with some foods containing vegetable oil - there is sometime a chance that it can be made from wheat.
Less of a problem these days as rapeseed is more often used, but unless it states the source, I would be a little cautious. Most crisps these days are cooked in sunflower oil.
Becuz USA dextrose iz derived frum GMO corn, it iz NOT safe for conserned people; it's stated THAT way becuz I've confirmd thu majority uv people globally, prefer to guvern thair diet by TASTE un-TIL, if EVer, , whutever food content cauzez uh problem and THEN sez thu majority, I'll "THINK-UHbout" =MAY=be= dis-continyooing or sub-stitooting thu cauze. It's beCUZ uv THAT maJORity perspectiv, that I now totally re-FRAIN frum ANY thots uv acyoozing ANY CDN gov't body for perMITing whutever toxinz or absoloot poizonz in CDN food, , , 'cuz in ALLL democratic gov'ts, thu maJORity rooolz, and beCUZ thu maJORity preferz thu NEGativ perspectiv, that obligates thu MIN-ority to TOLerate thu reZULT, regardles uv WHUT that may be, az more than 70% uv CDN grosery store shelvz now being stocked with GMO or whutever UTHer canser-cauzing so-called FOODZ conFIRMZ. This iz NOT to thu least imply that our store shelvez contain no less than 70% uv products directly related to GMO but, ohnly that all factorz considered, no LESSS than that persentaje, SUM-how, whether di-RECTly or INN-directly containz iether uh LARJE, mediocre or minimal amount uv GMO prodoosd & thus illnes-cauzing, contaminated ingredeents.
WHY such questyun? Could you NOT think uv uh LESSS problematic food item to attempt to be FREE frum, when wheat or wheat by-products are in so MANNNY food itemz? Regardles, the IMPLICAtionz yoo request to be told uhbout are 100% SIMPLE in perspectiv, while simultaneously being 100% nearly IMMMPOSSSible to implement, and for thu reazon that I've stated, that uv wheat or a wheat by-product being IN so many difrent food itemz. The implicationz are extreeemly simple to state: AVOIDANSE UV ALL FOOD ITEMZ CONTAINING WHEAT AND OR WHEAT BY-PRODUCTS but, becuz in MOST casez guvernments permit up to 10% content uv ANY-thing, before it's lejislatively cumPULsory to in-CLOOD it on thu product label, , to be really SEARious about this, requires that yoo take-up farming so that yoo can prodoos yor OWN food thu way our Maker intended yoo to do BUT, in many casez, ecsept for vairy RAIR or RARE sircumstansez, yoo'd be cumpelled to hav it all under cuver, so thu beez frum thu farm next door, don't contaminate your organic crop with GMO pollen. Uhgen, , az iz common with so much uv human guverment, it's ohnly thu NEGativ side that can be lejislatively protected, 'cuz yoozing organic seed duzn't require a patent and thus, IT can't be lejislatively pre-VENTED frum being PERManently de-STROYD by thu GMO kind that's being grown next door. Be I imPLYing that yoo're in an IMMM-possible to eezily tolerate sircumstans? NOT at ALL ! Merely im-PLY-ing duzn't FIT anymore when uh-round thu globe, it's uh simple FACT uv INNNN-disputable reALity!!! Yoo MAY possibly find uh TEMporairy solooshn BUT, , eventually, like az all the utherz uv us, , yoo're HELTH sircumstans shal be UNNN-locked by thu global guvernments new illness industry.
Hi there, I think that you're missing the point here and that is in the UK and the EU dextrose is often made from wheat. In the US and Canada the source is usually corn but as you rightly state this is GMO corn.
Also in the EU wheat derivatives do not have to be labelled as such so some very sensitive folks have issues with wheat deriv's hence the question.