I am sure we all have things that make our life as a coeliac better. What is your best tip as this may help others more
Best tip for a coeliac: I am sure we... - Gluten Free Guerr...
Best tip for a coeliac

Try not to be too hard on yourself when you accidentally get glutened.
We all make mistakes and beating yourself up won't make you feel any better.
Just put it down to experience and move on.
I agree with BB it will happen from time to time, educate others as you go along.. I often give a wee talk to my workmates on coeliac awareness about how it is not a fad, or an allergy.. I'm sure I have opened a few eyes..Well I hope I have..
So maybe try to raise awareness as you go along day to day..
only prepare food yourself or from a very trusted person
Having a husband and family that understand, support, respect, love and help me eat safely. I make the meals and they happily eat gluten free to make my life easier and healthier. I never hear a word of complaint. On the contrary, they love my cooking because I go out of my way to make the food taste so delicious, they forget they're eating gluten free!
Always take a snack with you when you are out for the day, going to a party or even going to a funeral. If you are prepared then you are less likely to be gluttened.
Inform local cafe's/coffee shops about gluten free snacks and sandwiches etc
explain there are more of us than they re aware of and they would get more customers if they advertised gluten free cakes. sarnies etc.
I have converted two local cafe's and they are locally famous now among the gluten free clientele who had nowhere to go before that.
no label, no eat. Never trust that it'll be ok!
Think positive and look at what you can eat rather than dwell on what you used to be able eat.
Then explore this and I found a shop that sold onion bhajji's which are onions in a batter made with rice and chickpea flour and then they stopped selling them because of lack of demand so I spoke to the owners and they said we make falafels which are made using chickpea flour and spices and are gluten free and they are cooked separately and kept free from cross contamination.
There are 3 cafe's within walking distance of my house that sell and serve gluten free foods one the cafe above the falafel shop another a few doors away that serves 16inch crepe + tea or coffee for £3.95. So if I want to meet up with friends I know where to go. And I have a list of cafe's in other parts of town that do gf options and this takes the stress out of things for me.
A little catch phrase I use in conversation with people who I think need to be aware of what's involved without being tooo heavy about it is that I "don't risk it for a biscuit" which both amuses them and makes them think and gives them something memorable to take away with them........I've had it quoted back at me -so it seems to work!!! .
Plan ahead, and if any meal over, i.e. curry etc, freeze it for when you can't be bothered.
I also have a little catch phrase "If in doubt, leave it out" - so many good tips above and its always good to hear so many other people who have slip ups too, we are all only human!
Always read the label or check with the chef not the waiter that's my best tip
iv found that if i cook all my foods from the start its better as i no whats going in to my food as iv found on somethings u need to read whats in the tin/jar as it dont always say on the food allirgy bit as iv experinced my self in a jar of curry sauce a few weeks ago i was fine till i had it an felt ill for a few days after lesson learnt by that , half the time tho my kids dont relise they are eating gluten free but my daughter understands y its emportent that i do as she is a lot older than my son , also my husband took me out for a pub lunch last week an they had a gluten free menu when i asked for gluten free gravy