Hi all a story of bad consequences.
Went to our local Aldi store and saw some loverly chocolates on display. I particularly liked the look of a pack of light chocolate with a crunchy filling.
As we all do I read the ingredients and was pleased to see that only the glucose syrup was derived from wheat. As i am one who does not react to the syrup I thought great a special treat.
That night I opened up one of the little bars and consumed it. What joy just like I remembered maltesers. Great.
A few hours later it started. And you all know what I mean.
I went back to the packet and re read the ingredients. Safe as houses.
It was then I had a brainwave and read the individual packet. To my horror in small writing is said "contains cereal with gluten".
I spoke to Aldi the next day, and their reaction. "Oh we will let the manufacturer know". I tried to tell them the danger etc. and tried to get the bars removed from sale to no avail.
So I have learned a new lesson. Read all the wrappers and mistkes happen.
Take care.