Too much sugar?: Hi, I am really... - Gluten Free Guerr...

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Too much sugar?

16 Replies

Hi, I am really struggling eating at the moment but this afternoon I had an eat natural gf cereal bar. Within a few minutes of eating it I felt really unwell,very tired ,cold and a bit shaky. Does anyone have any suggestions?

16 Replies
sassyl profile image

What was it?

in reply to sassyl

Cranberries macadamias and dark chock and is confirmed by coeliac uk as being gf . No oats on the ingredients.

maidforit profile image

Did it have oats in? Lots of coeliacs can't eat oats either, myself included.

Lynxcat profile image

Hi Busby - have you still got the packet? Can you list the ingredients? Without knowing exactly what it contained it is difficult to assess.

Remember though that sugar cane itself is related to wheat so it might be advisable if you cannot live without sugar and you aren't able to substitue with either honey, agave nectar (natural cactus sugar) or maple syrup then it might be best to stick to sugar beet.

This is the list,cocoamass ,sugar cocoa butter emulsifier,soya lecithin. Coconut,glucose syrup sultanas,Brazil's,crisped rice,cranberries ,macadamias and honey. I had only had a banana and a yogurt until 2pm when I had the above.

Lynxcat profile image
Lynxcat in reply to

Hi Busby, Usually when cereal bars list their contents, they are listed in order of quantity. The bar above would suggest that one of the greatest amount of content is sugar - and although it all sounds perfectly harmless sugar often causes problems in the gut.

Prior to having the cereal bar you state that you only ate yogurt and banana until 2.00pm. This means that your tummy has had nothing to properly break down from your previous meal the night before and then for lunch it had a combination of a prebiotic, in the form of cocoa mass and sugar which helps to produce candida with further sugar in the form of glucose syrup and a few extras. It seems like a lot of sugar on a fairly empty tummy - this is probably your main cause of the problem here.

I think it is best if possible to try and aim, if possible, to have a quality breakfast of boiled eggs; omelette; quinoa porridge; almond flakes with ground flax seeds, chopped walnuts, one or two dates sliced, a small handful of raisins; sunflower seeds; sesame seeds - mixed together as a museli with a splash of milk or plain bio yoghurt, millet porridge, whole grain rice pudding; haddock steamed or baked with a poached egg; etc

This helps to keep the digestive system calm and well nourished until lunch time.

sassyl profile image

OK, well let's assume that it is GF (but as Lynxcat said, if you can list the ingredients) what else could be going on...

I noticed in your other posts you're quite new to GF. Sometimes the reaction can be something you ate a little while before rather than what you just ate, so in reality it could be anything you ate in the last 24 hours, most probably in the last 4 hours.

I'm sure you're being extra vigilant with labels, probably making some mistakes as you go (as we all did to begin), but are you thinking about cross-contamination? (do not share butter, spreads, wooden chopping boards, toasters, grills, pans, work-surfaces, biscuit tins,etc). If you've gone GF but are still using old tins, spreads, boards or toasters that could be a source of gluten still.

If you are still eating take-aways, give that a rest for now. Avoid Chinese, Indians, Italians, chips from chipshops - anything where there is a possibility for contamination. How are you in the kitchen? Do you cook from scratch or use shop-bought sauces? If it is sauces then use the Coeliac UK directory but check the labels too, as lots of products get 'improved' regularly (not improved for us!). You are better off keeping food simple and plain to begin with.

Avoid the products in the CUK Directory that have barley malt extract in them. Avoid GF products from the GP (Juvela, Glutafin) that are made with codex wheat flour. Avoid things (Quorn, Walkers crisps, Kettle Chips, cereals, Sainsbury beansprouts, lots of others; check labels) that are produced in a factory that handles wheat, even if they ARE in the Directory.

When you are sure you have eliminated wheat and gluten sources and still feel ill, then consider other possibilities. Don't forget your GP and the dietician should be there to help you. You may also get some practical support from your local CUK group, so seek out their help too. You will not be the first person to struggle to get a handle on a GF diet, certainly not the last.

Hope you get well soon.

Thanks, I think my main problem is having no appetite and feeling full all the time.

in reply to

I have the same problem,end up making myself eat because i know i have to. I do find it difficult at times though.I have heard that eating or drinking sour or tart foods and drinks help stimulate appetite but i dont know if its true.

Thanks Dave do you manage to eat much?

I never feel hungry till about 2pm even though i have`nt eaten since 10 ish the night before,even then i make do with a sandwich or something.I do try to eat a reasonable meal about 6 then I snack until 10.

Penel profile image

I would guess you had a drop in blood sugar, after not eating much and then having a snack with sugar/simple carbs. It could also be that you had not had enough to drink.

1stgls profile image

Penel said the same as I thought , if I do not eat for a length of time (and even though I eat before I feel ill) I feel as if I am going hypo- nausea/ shaky/cold/tired and confused, then when I eat or have a drink of milk I throw it up! then have to eat again!

I have learned that even if I do not feel hungry I must have something--- even a small handful of peanuts work.

remysmum profile image

I cannot tolerate glucose syrup,hope you soon fell ok


deltauk profile image

As I said in my replies about not being able to eat - sugar too has an effect on me along with gluten.

That not being able to eat and feeling full is also , I find, gluten problems.

I think until you wipe everything out and just eat a plain nutritious diet of plain, salads with chicken fish etc, wholegrain rice things like that till your tummy starts to heals, then you will see a change.

Keep it simple and start to mend.

Leave the sugar and fancy ingredients alone and also stay away from gluten free bread/cakes too as said they contain all sorts and your not ready for them, by what i hear you say.

Take care

FionaGFG profile image

Busby - ask your Dr about this. There are many reasons why you can be feeling as you do. A Dr can also do a blood sugar test to assess how your sugars have been over the last 6 weeks.

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