how long is the average to feel better. - Gluten Free Guerr...

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how long is the average to feel better.

junejolly profile image
17 Replies

My doc has recently suggested going wheat free, as my ibs has steadily got worse. i tried rye bread and i was really ill. so have decided to be gluten free too. i also am suffering from depression and anxiety, have psoriasis and eczema and an underactive thyroid(controlled). how long is the average to feel better, it has been just over 2 weeks now and still getting a lot of pain and bloating etc.

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junejolly profile image
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17 Replies
judithr profile image

I really can't answer this as ibs & a wheat free diet is totally different to a gluten free diet for coeliac disease. Is your doctor sure it is ibs. If you are going gluten-free then you really do need to look for all the hidden gluten. With my gluten-free diet I very quickly began to feel & look better but then I had been diagnosed with coeliac disease & that is the only way to treat it. I understood that ibs can be treated in a variety of ways so if you are not feeling better I would go back to your doctor.

Mia1057 profile image

Have you been tested for coeliacs as I spent at least 2 years being told I had IBS by my GP before she sent me for tests. I was positive for coeliacs

Mikeila profile image

I've been gluten free diet + IBS from 9 years and still got belching , bloating and worse when i'm stressed.depends on your body when you will feel better.for anxiety take something for holland&barett or boots like bach remedies or homeopathic. you must have patience, takes time.

MaryDB profile image

I do agree with Mikeila. Only in my case when I'm stressed it's continual diarrhoea, gas and bloating. I really must look in Holland & Barrett to improve my stress levels - with my family stress is always going to be high!

junejolly profile image

same here my stress levels are always high. i suppose this doesnt help.

junejolly profile image

Thanks for all replies i will take on board and see what happens in next 2 weeks. wont leave it longer. my doc also suggested lactose free, but am not too happy on doing that one. but needs must i suppose. after that is specialist at the hospital. am already waiting for that for my depression.

Liana profile image
Liana in reply to junejolly

Today, lactose free is very easy here (Canada) can buy milk, cream, half and half (coffee creamer), whipping cream (heavy cream) sour cream, cream cheese and yoghurt that are very low lactose or lactose free. Hard cheese is lactose free. I used to have to make my own, but thankfully now I can just buy it at the grocery store.

Lexy profile image

Hi junejolly, I felt the benefits immediately when I started my gluten free diet back in December. However, I found with time that some old symptoms crept back in. So I have since cut out coffee - I drink herbal and decaffeinated drinks - and severely cut back on dairy. Any cheese I take is lactose free or goat's milk or sheep's milk cheese, and not in huge quantities. I still allow myself probiotic plain yoghurt from time to time. I have felt sensitive to oats, even gluten free oats, and cornflakes and corn tortilla crisps, and even soya products. So I've eliminated these things too. And sugar is terrible culprit!! I try to avoid this. I do take vitamins and iron and omega 3 supplements. I find I feel better when I eat a lot of raw and fresh food - ie salads - although I do have rice and potatoes, and sometimes cooked beans too. When I notice a 'need' for protein I eat some meat (cooked of course). This is what seems to be working for me. Perhaps it may be that merely going 'gluten free' is not enough for your system? Also, how strictly 'gluten free' are you? Just a thought.

in reply to Lexy

Careful coeliac, but 2yrs ago started problems, backache and abdominal pain. was prescribed anti inflammatory tabs, Pain so bad didnt realise it was high dose volterol as tabs different name (wouldnt have taken them if known) didnt help but think damage done to digestive system. stopped them when realised what I as taking. After loads discomfort asked to go on protem pump, now tolerating condition. Get burning feeling in abdomen and mouth..not oesophagus. Havent eliminated foods as yet but might cut down on dairy. Had breakfast in cafe today, only bacon egg beans tomato and tea. (owner gf) mouth burning a bit also abdomen. can put up with it during day , night time wakes me up. otherwise managing also getting period type ache post menopausal which doesnt help I suppose. Just pleased didnt trouble me when younger. Dont usually eat out., have varied gf food intake.

in reply to Lexy

Lexy, You sound like me, i just started Paleo diet, eat like a dinosaur,but do eat occasionally potatoes, but i find in 5 days, i feel really good, my skin is spotty but improving, Dont try this diet with medical advice.

tug_6 profile image

sounds like you need testing for Chrones disease. i have coeliac and manage with no probems, my Daughter's turned into Chrones. very painful. hope you follow up, nothing to lose and everything to gain..

junejolly profile image

i am trying to b strict. the only thing i had was rye bread thats why i decided on gluten free too. was really bad after it. i must be one of the ones that it takes a while to settle. hopefully!!! have to look at being gluten free as a way of life not a chore.... i'm only 3 months down the line, and i feel so much better, my diet now is full of fresh fruit and veg.....chicken fish.....that makes you feel better because you know your on a good eating plan. takeaways, are a no no, unless you know for sure its gf....

its only you that can make the change, once you have got your head round, what you can have.....instead of what you can't have....and the feeling of well being, when you get it sorted....i feel twenty years younger, and my hubby said i'm not a moody mare anymore....and my skin has improved loads, and my depression has just hang on in there mate....cos there is defo light at the end of the tunnel...

janie :)

I agree with janies comment,life on a gf diet does become easier(25 yrs for me) and its even easier now than when i was first diagnosed,much more choice etc.It has now become second nature to my family and me,so much so that we rarely give it a second thought.Stick at it,the benefits will come in time,it varies with the individual but is well worth it.

katluck profile image

i have been suffering with i.b.s for about 13yrs and over the last 2 yrs started to have trouble digesting meats and my i.b.s was controlled after bloating,and passing alot of wind but still have shooting pains going from rectum into tummy feels like a severe stabbing pain and it takes the breath out of me now i still have that and i have notice intolerances against wheat.pasta,veg.fruit,dairy,orange juice,eggs,soups,sauces,and all types of oils spoke to few doctors who said i shouldnt stop eating normal but it all causes discomfort and i attend gastric clinic and i have tests done for c.d bloods were normal even though it is inconclusive and i have a weak muscle sphincter in bowel and i awaiting dynamic ultra sound scan and dietician and incontience for bladder and bowel i started to buy glutenfree and wheat free but they are made with malt flour and maise ,veg oils i cant find anything that dont contain these ingrediants and even tea with milk makes me feel really sick and i have bad acid reflux and try not to get stressed out but i am noticing a big change in my symptoms and going round in circles trying to get a doc to listen also history of family with same and gran had same and died with colon cancer

junejolly profile image

thans for all advice and hope. doesnt help that i am depressed, so another thing on my list of problems adds to the stress. i am being strict with a gluten free diet. i have to so my insides feel better. onward and upward so they say.

manga666 profile image

June I have suffered from depression for years and always will as mine is a chemical imbalance and brain damage from a bad beating, if you are not on anti depressents try taking St Johs Wort, it will take several weeks to be totally affective but is well worth trying as an alternative to western medicine pills. It was used years before the artificial chemical compounds we are doled out today. It worked for me until I got a proper diagnosis when I walked into my Drs and asked him to help me to die. Yes I did mean it at the time. Hope this helps and good luck with your new diet and lifestyle xxxxx

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