Just interested how long did it take people here to feel better when going gluten wheat or msg free and did you suffer any side effects
How long : Just interested how long did... - Gluten Free Guerr...
How long

Personally I found things improving after a couple of months and continued to get better from then on. No side effects. However one disappointment was no weight loss. Hope It works for you
Im a 'silent' and cant say ive noticed any difference in what could be termed my original symptoms. Im due to have a second gastroscopy soon to see if any healing has taken place.
We are each different and it can take quite a significant time to be symptomless for some things and be as short as a couple of weeks for others, seen lots about brain fog being one of the first to subside.
The first side effects I had when I went gluten free was bloating and wind which lasted for about a fortnight. After about a couple of months my head cleared and my digestion improved. Also the overheating at night has gone but I am not sure how long that took.
I have been gluten free for 11 months now.
Hi Freekyfoody, I was diagnosed as I had severe anaemia and I realised that I felt better a couple of months later when I started to feel a sense of wellbeing and I knew that my diet was working for me.
I had a lot of problems initially as I was given very strong iron tablets 500mg and told to take 2, 4 times a day and they wiped me out so I used diet and ate myself healthy. I find that my body does not like saturated fats like palm oil as it acts like a laxative on me and I avoid most processed foods.
MSG is a food additive that is used to enhance the flavour/taste of food. And worth bearing in mind is many artificial sugars can be wheat derivatives and contain low levels of gluten and artificial sugars are known triggers for IBS.
Here's an E no list that may interest you and good luck with your gf diet it is indeed a minefield:
I felt some relief on day one! The first day that I didn't start my day with 2 Wheetabix - I immediately noticed less tiredness. I too was silent so the other improvements were more subtle and gradual. After 5 months I was able to reduce my thyroid meds as more of the thyroxin was being absorbed.
After about 6 months I noticed that my skin was looking better and I was getting more energy and much less brain fog, It was very gradual for me and being honest I think I was still making some small mistakes in the start
I hope you feel better soon
I had a sister who used to stay with me and she has been celiac for many years so I knew the score when I got my diagnosis. I was very ill from about a week for about 10 days. Bad headache that started at 11 am and continued to bedtime ( I never have suffered from headaches). "Jelly legs" or feeling like I had no legs below my knees, very odd and made me afraid to go out or drive. Pins and needles in one hand for long periods which I used to get occasionally before.
In desperation my only recourse was online help and I found information that these were all side effects of the withdrawal of gluten. The body had been treating gluten for many years as a threat and had produced an opiate type of chemical to deal with same. Now that gluten was removed, there was no need to produce to counteracting chemical. So in was in fact a type of 'cold turkey' similar to morphine withdrawal. As someone said, what more proof did I need that gluten was bad for me? All these issues could be seen as neurological manifestations. My main problem was skin dermatitis and that has virtually gone in succeeding years.
Are you aware that each of us has a unique diet? Unique triggers?
Cutting out my triggers produced overnight results. Immediate relief.
Withdrawal symptoms are common when you remove your triggers.
Finding all your triggers can take a lifetime. Ingredients can change without notice.
Look at cooking oil, caramel and GF bread.
Opiate nature of Gluten reaction
"The addictive nature of gluten is often overlooked. For some, the first
days and weeks of following a gluten-free diet are characterized by food
cravings, disorientation, irritability, sleepiness, depression, mental
fogginess, fatigue, and/or shortness of breath. If you are a member of this
group, the very fact that you are experiencing many of these symptoms should
reinforce the need to exclude gluten from your diet. These are common
symptoms of withdrawal of detoxification from gluten-derived opioids and
brain neurochemical imbalances. The evidence suggests that about 70 percent
of celiac patients will experience these symptoms when beginning a strict
gluten-free diet.
Most individuals who have celiac disease or non-celiac gluten sensitivity
are also addicted to gluten. The morphine-like peptides from gluten
frequently stay intact because the bonds between some sequences amino acids
are quite resistant to digestion. Those who have leaky gut will allow these
opioids and other large peptides to enter the bloodstream. The addictive
process has probably been at work in most gluten-sensitive and celiac
individuals for many years, probably since childhood. This makes elimination
of gluten a great deal more challenging than might be expected."
It's an extract from the book Dangerous Grains
When I cut gluten from my diet I felt better the very next day in that the pain and diarrhoea stopped. If I slip up, the pain and diarrhoea returns the next day
I'm on day three. The first missing symptom I noticed was the need to go to sleep within half an hour of eating a sandwich at lunch time. I was still up and about doing the house work at 2pm rather than snoozing on the sofa.
I also have my flat stomach back after a bad spell of bloating for the last few weeks and a chronic ache in my lower belly. And *the shame* terrible wind which was made worse by me being unable to expel it!!!!
My son is very similar to me. He has a permanent "beer belly" despite only being 12 years old. He eats well and healthily but says he feels better when he goes to the loo. This week he has been complaining of chronic heartburn after eating pasta or bread. My sister was the one to suggest that his stomach aches might be gluten related - coincidentally when I thought I really must go GF myself. I've told him that we will go GF together and see if we notice a marked improvement.