Has anyone had blood in their stool with Coeliac ? My daughter is 50. She is very fit and well, has no symptoms of Coeliac or any illness. She has given blood for years. This time they said they couldn't take it as her Iron was low. This happened a few years ago. This time the GP told her to send a stool to test. It came back saying there were traces of blood in it. They are sending her for urgent Colonoscopy and the camera down her throat. The hospital said they were putting her on the Cancer pathway, We are very worried. I would be most grateful for advice as she has a nine year old son.
Worried.: Has anyone had blood in their... - Gluten Free Guerr...

Sorry to hear your news, benmaise.
It’s good to hear that they are fast-tracking her to find out what is wrong. There are so many possible reasons for blood in stools, it doesn’t always mean that it’s cancer.
It’s no good me saying “try not to worry”... waiting on results is just a nightmare. You need to stay as strong as possible to support her and her grandson, easier said than done I know.
My husband was diagnosed with prostate cancer a few years ago, out of the blue. He’s made a full recovery.
Good luck to you and your family.
Sorry to hear of your daughters problems. I was once told I may have cancer and had to be seen early, but it was not cancer, it was a cyst that went away on its own. My aunt also lost about a cup of blood once and we still do not know why and she is fine now. It is a worry but bleeding can be anything not just cancer. Wishing your daughter all the best.
Sorry to hear about your daughter’s problems. I had bleeding from haemorrhoids caused by the fluctuation from diarrhoea to constipation over a long period of time. I had two colonoscopies and banding of the haemorrhoids , but once I adopted a gluten free diet the bowel movements steadied and I now eat the gf bran flakes to avoid constipation. I was re-checked and there is no sign of cancer, so hopefully something similar might be found for your daughter. I have had no incidence of such bleeding after going on a gf diet once the haemorrhoids were dealt with. Good luck to her.
I had a similar experience too
My daughter has been to the hospital today. I am delighted to say everything is fine with her tests.. Thank you to the people who posted messages.