Hi I’ve recently been diagnosed but because the symptoms were purely neurological, it went unnoticed because I’m also type 1 diabetic. I was told I’d probably had it ‘a long time.’ I’m now gluten free but have noticed an increase in an odd problem where when I go to bed, about half an hour later I wake up coughing/choking and jump up thinking I’m going to be sick. I’ve Googled it and it seems to be GERD? Anyone else have this?
Night time nausea?: Hi I’ve recently... - Gluten Free Guerr...
Night time nausea?
Sorry to hear about your problem Winger. It’s not something I’ve suffered from, but I understand that sleeping with your head/upper body raised may help. Do you think that what you are eating or the time at which you are eating may make a difference?
Perhaps talk to your doctor about this, it sounds quite distressing.
How's it going?
I should have your symptoms, but I don't.
A damaged gut can lead to a lack of enzymes too, since there's not enough room to produce them on anymore.
My guess is that these symptoms will be more vivid after the gluten symptoms are decreasing, since one is not as numb anymore.
Damaged gut is why a lot of people with coeliacs can have a secondary lactose intolerance.
But. It can also cause Biogenic amine intolerance, which can cause symptoms resembling GERD. (this I have, bai, hit DAO-deficiency = not so much proteins, and only fresh whole food)
Or perhaps your gut is just healing and trying to adjust the acids?
There's charcoal and omeprazol one can get over the counter if one needs ease.
It will take several months for you to be enough healed. Usually one can notice changes within a few days or couple of weeks.. Like not as nauseated, or pain is easing.
Then there'll be small changes for a few months. And you might not have noticed all of them until you are accidentally glutened again.
You can absolutely try to eat as stommach friendly food as you can, to help yourself heal. Because there might be other secondary intolerances.
Or you can have patience, or you can seek more tests.
I think I'm fine with gluten now, after nearly a year on an extremely strict GF diet. But instead I'm struggling with BAI. I've never had stommach aches until recently, I think I was to numb and maybe too high on amines to feel anything.
You can find out your issues to GERD too. But it'll take you a minimum of 3 months to get healed - this usually applies to kids.. Not grownups. We tend to need more time.