I can't eat oats, even the supposedly gluten free ones because they make me ill, but I really miss the occasional flapjack. I just wondered if anyone had a recipe for flapjacks without oats, or a good enough alternative.
Oat-less flapjacks recipe?: I can't eat... - Gluten Free Guerr...
Oat-less flapjacks recipe?

Perhaps try some buckwheat flakes? I don’t make flapjacks, but use buckwheat flakes to make a granola. You may have to find a supplier on line, and they are on the expensive side.
Thanks Penel. I have a local health food shop that stocks them and I have used them once before in something else. Maybe I could mix them with other kinds of flakes like rice, quinoa and millet.
I don’t have a recipe but I have had good luck making them by using an egg, mashed banana and protein powder or almond flour or rice flour. You can add vanilla, stevia, peanut butter or chocolate chips. The batter will be thick so thin it with nut milk or milk or water. Assuming you will put butter and syrup on them there is no way they will taste bad.
Sounds like you're describing a recipe for pancakes? 🤔 I was looking for a gluten free replacement for oats in flapjacks.
Oh you are right. I did not know there was a difference between flapjacks and pancakes. I thought they were 2 words for the same thing.
Hi MTC, you can use rice flakes but they tend to be quite hard and need to be soaked first so they are soft, you can also buy quinoa flakes and as Penny says buckwheat flakes would be good.

Thanks Jerry. I've tried making flapjacks with rice flakes before and found them a bit on the hard and crunchy side. Never thought to soak the flakes first.🤔 I'll try that. Good tip.
I had a go at making some this afternoon. I pre soaked a mixture of rice, millet and quinoa flakes in orange juice.......they completely absorbed it all. I then mixed them with the other ingredients and ended up with......fruit cake 😂 Tastes good but might have to rethink my strategy and ingredients a bit more 😋
This sounds a good start MTC, if you only add a little moisture to your rice and millet flakes they will be softer but not soggy.
When I bake fruit cakes I soak the dried fruit in a little boiling water with spices to make the fruit softer less likely to sink and give it more flavour.
I hope that you enjoy your efforts as it sounds really good. 😊

Yes maybe a little less soaking 😊 Thanks I did enjoy the result. Looks like cake but tastes like flapjack.....crazy but good all the same 👌 Specially after a 24h fast.
You can use nuts and seeds. There's flakes too if whole nuts are to big and hard. Or crush them.
You can use grated coconut
You can use puffed rice or other puffed GF grains like sorghum.
You can use gf cornflakes.
Or mix all of the above, or a few of them.
Thank you for so many suggestions 😄 The gf puffed rice or flakes sound like a good idea, maybe with lots of seeds and coconut? I feel an experiment coming on 👌
Yes, they all add a little bit of their own character to things.
Roasted nuts add crunchiness
Coconut adds flavor and some chewy texture (I use this in pies, instead of oats).
Puffed stuff add something interesting, either chewiness or something I can't describe depending on how wet they become.
You can actually pop your own corn too. This I personally haven't been successful in adding to things, but people mix it with melted chocolate and stuff and seem to love it.
I tend to avoid most "Gluten-free" food, as I seem to be as allergic to as I am to Gluten... but I do eat buckwheat muesli for breakfast.
I know what you mean. I also avoid the special gluten free stuff. In truth, I don't really eat anything other than fruit, nuts or dark chocolate for dessert 99% of the time. I'm even going off granola, mainly because I don't generally eat breakfast but also because it's usually made with oats and even the gluten free ones disagree with me. I've found chia seed mixed into yoghurt and left for a bit agrees with me better than granola. I've given up on the flapjack idea. I'm going to concentrate on making chewie coconut based bakes if I feel the urge to bake something 😄
This is a recipe from a 1960s predecimal Be-Ro flour book. Grease a swiss roll tin -in those days it was 7 x 11 inches. A tablespoon was the volume of two modern measured ones. Adaptations for GF would of course be- GF SR flour so add extra liquid e.g. 2 modern teaspoons, Check that cocoa is GF - it usually is esp. Cadbury's and that the cornflakes are GF
Australian Crunchie. 8oz marg/butter melted over low heat then remove from heat and Stir in 5oz caster sugar, 2.5 oz crushed cornflakes ( about a quarter of their size)1 tablespoon cocoa, 2 oz coconut,
then gradually sir in 5oz SR flour ..
Spread and level into the greased tin . Bake on solid shelf 350F Gas 4 moderate oven for thirty minutes. It should start to look firm. leave to part cool in tin then cut into portions When cold it may be covered with melted chocolate
I leave you to convert to modern language!! Good luck.

That sounds yummy. Thank you so much for taking the time to post this. I'll definitely give it a try 😄