Hi everyone, new here but have been browsing for a few months now, and wondered if anyone else had suffered what I go through?
I've been GF for years now, wheat being the biggest issue for me, and I carefully avoid it in everything. I eat a sensible, balanced diet (I'm overweight, but it's due to lack of exercise more than anything else), but over the past year, it's definitely been getting worse when it does strike.
I'm definitely familiar with the sensation of bloating it nearly always hits several hours after eating, and I swear if you were to stick a pin in me I'd literally explode. Some recent sessions though have been so bad that it makes me physically sick. I'll literally have to dash to the toilet and will heave and throw-up, but no food comes out, it's just pure gas rushing out. And it'll carry on around an hour apart. The pressure and resulting pain is intense and will last all night and well into the morning, leaving my tummy feeling sore for days after.
It's not always this bad. Often it's just bi-directional wind instead! Which, while still highly painful, isn't quite as dramatic. Laying down makes it worse for sure, and usually, when it's hitting hard I find being on all-fours to be the most comfortable position.
I'm seeing my Dr. on Monday because I've been hit with this 4 times in the past month, which is excessive (and without having eaten out once, or a change in diet), and I'm suspecting it may be unrelated to GF and be something very wrong going on inside. I'm genuinely worried I won't be able to persuade them just how extreme and painful it is. I'm also on anti-inflammatories for gout, which until a few months ago I had been prescribed without a proton pump inhibitor, which are known for causing stomach ulcers.. so perhaps this is actually some kind of perfect storm combination of gluten intolerance and that?
On the plus side, it feels better to have written this down.