Bye guys. Im used to positive support... - Gluten Free Guerr...

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Bye guys. Im used to positive supportive posts, not judgemental sound byte merchants

Footygirl profile image
15 Replies

I have had a lot of support and compassion on this forum, but I just cant take the above any more.

If the posters who have such perfect answers to our problems, what are they doing on here?

Thanks, sincerely for your advice and support. Ill pm those who have expressed genuine care for me with updates, but I wont be getting upset by the smug pronouncements of narrow, cold people any more.


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Footygirl profile image
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15 Replies
Regalbirdy profile image

Have I missed something here? I've read some interesting discussions recently, sometimes with differing opinions.

Where does the judgemental bit come in? Is it possible that you could be overreacting slightly?

If you wish to leave, then that is unfortunate but your perrogative.

Best wishes

R. B.

Footygirl profile image
Footygirl in reply to Regalbirdy

Oops but

Et tu regalbird?


Regalbirdy profile image
Regalbirdy in reply to Footygirl

Food [for thought] is a funny thing. Sometimes the stuff that is really good for you doesn't always taste as nice...

Henbur profile image
Henbur in reply to Footygirl

I don't think you are practising what you preach.

Bioluminence profile image


Venetia profile image

Which Posters ? who do you mean?

Hi Footygirl, I agree that this forum provides support and support that is not available on any other UK coeliac site so I'm confused by this. And I am not aware of any ''sound bite merchants''

My take is if one asks others for their opinions then we have to accept others will possibly say things that are not what we want to hear and this is a fact of life.

I'm not sure if your comment is at Regalbirdy and if it is I think that is very unfair on her as Regalbirdy is one of our most popular posters who has been diagnosed a few years now and wants to help others and Regalbirdy spends a lot of time making positive suggestions and practices what she preaches.

I read you post about your hospital appt and saw how it veered to gf food on prescription. This is a hot topic at the moment with NHS cuts and what I do not like about prescription food is the cost to the NHS of over £7.00 for 500g of codex flour when in the EU including S.Ireland it is available over the counter for 2.5 Euro's which's just over £2.00. This is a bonkers situation in my opinion and is not fair on the NHS the tax payer and its not fair on coeliac as we get the flak because of it.

I was interested in your comment about about whole foods, when at the end of the day 'we are what we eat' and my philosophy is 'I eat myself healthy.

Lastly if you don't like being a member then thats your prerogative but please don't give members who have given their time to help you a slap before leaving.

This is my 2p's worth and all the best,


Footygirl profile image
Footygirl in reply to

This is the reasoned response that I am used to. I did not enter into a wider comment on the thorny, debate of the NHS in general, as the strident responder did. I hoped I was alerting everyone on this point. Being new to the site, newly aware of Coeliacs it was, to me, a new announcement and wanted to share it in case some had not seen it. Innocent repeating of a message which must have an imact on sections of this site.

Thanks for confirming it as a "hot topic", and affirming my instinct that it is mportant. Though I was disappointed by your judgement that I didnt like the answer. No I didnt but that was because my alert was stomped upon without conceeding, as you did, that my report was of concern. He just jumped in accusing me of knocking our over streched, under funded NHS which I had not done. I felt he had a political point to make, which was unfeeling and was a sound byte making a cheap point that was uncalled for.

My opinion, reasoned, I hope demonstrating that it was not unhappiness with the content of his reply, but that he missd the point completely and wanted to make an inappropriate political comment.

Im sorry but dont recognise a point about whole foods of which I espousd no opinion..

Thank you for taking the time to contribute to this thread. I accept you, too, have an opinion, kindly expressed but have to refute again, any slur thrown in pique at " members who have given their time to help you" which I definately and obviousy, did not do. I thanked those who had helped me, at the beginning of my original post, and stated it again,at the beginning of my third paragraph and merely lamentd those who can not temper their respons with a gentle and balanced view, before telling of theirs, on point.

I hope both of my responses meant to clarify will now be re assessed accordingly.


RodeoJoe profile image
RodeoJoe in reply to Footygirl

For the record I didn't single you out and accuse YOU of anything. Although I am now accusing you of trying to discredit my character with this ridiculous vendetta you have just because of a difference of opinion. I'm more than happy to move on from this, and I'll even throw in an apology for upsetting you. So either stop the nonsense and use the forum as intended or leave quietly.

odettedunbar3 profile image

did i miss something?did i offend?.i don't knowwhat this is referring to and would truly like to know.thanks,odette dunbar.

Footygirl profile image
Footygirl in reply to odettedunbar3

Please see above Odette.

I hope that things are clear now.



Lisahelen profile image

Advise a pinch of salt

A dose of blind eye and

Let it fall on deaf ears

RodeoJoe profile image

I've been through the posts and I can only assume you're talking about my view on GF prescriptions? I hope I'm wrong because being called a "sound byte merchant" is somewhat offensive and inaccurate. Just because I have a difference of opinion on a subject doesn't make me unsupportive and judgemental. And anyway from what I understood of your post you're coeliac negative, so I'm not getting how it's even an issue for you and I certainly wasn't trying to be unsupportive or single you out in anyway whatsoever. Sometimes people have different opinions, that's life.

If ive got the wrong end of the stick about this then i appologise but it's really not healthy to take a victim attitude. To stay strong, mental strength can improve your physical strength no end.

Footygirl profile image
Footygirl in reply to RodeoJoe

I have had a lot of support and compassion on this forum, but I just cant take the above any more.

If the posters who have such perfect answers to our problems, what are they doing on here?

Thanks, sincerely for your advice and support. Ill pm those who have expressed genuine care for me with updates, but I wont be getting upset by the smug pronouncements of narrow, cold people any more.


Replying later.

Clearly not meant to offend genuine intelligent people who share and care. Deeply regret upsetting some of you, but generalising about standard of NHS service and sniping, without any reservation, about lack of support of NHS to a point concerned about those unable maybe to pay double or more for a staple like bread in supermarkets missed my point completely. Jumping in without compassion or much thought, from someone who " goes private to jump NHS queue" and then enjoys NHS prescriptions is more than I could take.

Sorry. Old enough to not have responded to this careless narrow post. If caring for others is making myself the victim... bring it on!

Yes, leaving the site. Wont comment any further, just wanted to reassure those of you kind enough to respond with doubt, that my motives were good.

As Lisahelen said. Pinch of salt, blind eye, deaf ears should have guided me. I am used to sites where people with experience care, share and whose response can grant anyones point of view going on to reasoned debate. Not dictates which lack humanity

And anyway, you can be sero-negative and still have gluten sensitivity so my point about gluten free prescritions remains aposite, though not directly affecting me if Coeliacs is not confirmed by the CT scan I have had.

Respect and regards to all of you on here dealing with this difficult, life changing diagnosis, who do not espouse knee jerk reactions and dont have cheap political opinions to mouth in response to a genuine newbie, reporting what I thought was a matter of concern for us all.

Heard of " dont shoot the messenger"?


RodeoJoe profile image
RodeoJoe in reply to Footygirl

I would have ignored your reply because I think I'd only be repeating my previous comments. However I am concerned and annoyed that you've accused me of

"generalising about standard of NHS service and sniping, without any reservation, about lack of support of NHS "


"someone who " goes private to jump NHS queue" and then enjoys NHS prescriptions ".

This I find offensive and distasteful. I think you've overstepped a mark here.

I've NEVER generalised or criticized the standards of the NHS, I have the greatest respect for it, as I said in a previous comment it saved my life.

The bit about me going private and enjoying NHS prescriptions. You've clearly been trawling through my previous posts and what you're describing is that two years ago almost to the day I was told I had a matter of months left to live, and the only treatment that would save my life was a liver transplant. However Kings College Hospital didn't have a bed for my liver transplant assessment and I would have to wait a minimum of 10 days before I got one. This was when I used my private health insurance to get a bed in a private ward instead. And the reason I had private insurance was that about 15 years ago I was fortunate enough to work for a company who gave the option of health insurance even with serious medical conditions (I've had long term non-alcoholic liver disease for many many years). And I kept that going even when I couldn't really afford it because of reasons like I described.

I really don't know how you can make a judgement on me for doing this, and I've never had a free prescription since I've been an adult, and I don't even take advantage of the Gluten Free prescriptions I'm entitled to for the reasons I've previously mentioned. So I'm not sure I'm following your comment about "enjoying NHS prescriptions".

You've really rattled my cage, and tried to discredit my character with this nasty nonsense, calling me judgemental, smug, narrow minded, cold and unsupportive, just because I don't have the same opinions as you.

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