Can coeliac disease cause anxiety? - Gluten Free Guerr...
Can coeliac disease cause anxiety?
From personal experience I found that a lot of my anxiety and depression cleared when I went gluten free
I suppose the question you must ask yourself is were you anxious before you were diagnosed with CD or did it start after diagnosis? If the former then I would suggest you were anxious about something else and if the latter because of the diagnosis rather than the disease itself and you will possibly feel better once you gain knowledge about living with CD. Hope this helps
If only it was that simple - cause and effect which could be reversed.
The simple answer is probably yes. However, the symptoms you have with CD are many as a result of nutritional deficits. There is a wealth of information about what happens and why on the Internet.
I have a heart arrhythmia gluten triggers very bad episodes so I imagine it is also possible for gluten to cause heart palpitations and feelings of anxiety - worth checking it's not something other than anxiety though
Hi Sammystock, one of the symptoms of an undiagnosed coeliac is irritability and many coeliac took ages to get diagnosed because their GP thought that it was stress because stress can/does cause an upset stomach.
If you read the replies to fobbed off, many complained of stomach issues and were fobbed off with stress and it was 14 years after I complained to my GP before I was finally diagnosed.
please see:
The secret is now that you have been diagnosed to avoid gluten like the plague and don't feel that you are neurotic as you have a disorder of your immune system and you need to look out for yourself rather than anything goes for an easy life and then suffer the consequences.
So good luck and if you have any questions then you ask away as you're in good company.
Yes, indirectly. Coeliac disease causes poor nutrition and poor nutrition causes anxiety (as well as a hell of a lot of other things). It's a bummer, but reversible over time, especially if you get really strict about cross-contamination. It took longer than I'd expected for some symptoms to reverse and I'm still working on others 2 years in, but I haven't been so strict that whole time. Good luck. It IS worth it.
Hi Sammystock.
On balance I would also say yes. I think I have read somewhere that Anxiety and depression can be a symptom of coeliac disease. Just over 12 months on from being diagnosed and being completely gluten-free (as well as many counselling sessions later!) I am starting to feel real improvement in both my mental and physical health.
There is a slight exception. My anxiety when eating out has definitely increased. I hate the idea of getting glutened...!
I also get anxious about being glutened, but my level of general anxiety has lowered. I'm not sure if that's because of being gf or because I've retired from full time work!
Hi Sammysotck,
From my own personal experience, that yes, i was a very anxious person for a long time prior to diagnosis of CD. I am much less so now, now, i have changed things, in terms of diet. Though i was always a good eater, and never really ate junk food (each to their own, just not my thing, prefer wholesome food). Once i cut gluten out completely, the anxiety has lessened massively. It's noticeable even my friends, and young children have noticed. Hope that helps, and your finding a way through....Mark