My son 14 is having IBS like symptoms, he was prior to endoscopy/ colonoscopy in Sept having constipated issues, he is now poohing between 3/5 times a morning (normally 3 times before school) as you can imagine it now affecting schooling, and causing him to get really stressed.
Tests seem to have come back negative for coeliac disease both previously (few years ago) and recently (September) as I have not heard from the consultant until our appointment which is tomorrow.
He feels nausea, tightness in chest - reflux feelings, aching limbs as well as the constant poohing, he is now complaining of sore eyes and headaches for the last few days. He is also under weight for age but constantly eating, having looked online to try and get other ideas I have come across Eosinophilic gastrointestinal disorders (EGID) and also Diverticular (Which I suffer from) any one have any teenage experience in these problem areas?
Does any one have any similar experiences or suggestions for other test we should ask for. As the doctors are now putting it down to anxiety! which yes, maybe some of the cause is anxiety (maybe 30% ) but there are real symptoms there and it is heartbreaking to trying to find a solution. They are offering CBT sessions but I would like to get o the root of the problems and believe the CBT will help as well.
Responses greatly appreciated.