We're keen to know which highstreet supermarket you think caters for your Coeliac needs the best.
When voting for our new poll please don't just focus on the 'Free From' ranges offered by the high street supermarkets. We're keen to gain a better perspective of which supermarket you find serves best your or your child's gluten free needs e.g. from the general food for all people, to the supermarket own brand ranges AND the Free From sections.
Consider which has the best easy to read labelling identifying products that are 'gluten free' or that DO contain 'gluten'. Which supermarket really considers Coeliacs and works hard to make their mainstream ranges accessible to us and others on a gluten free diet?
Let's find our Gluten Free Hero Supermarket!
PS we've noticed that on the new look site here it doesn't let you vote AND comment at the same time. So vote and then click comment separately to add a few words about why love the supermarket you chose e.g. great choice of ready meals? Fab Free From Aisle? Love their frozen range as the veggies aren't coated in wheat!? Or are they rolling out GF products across all the ranges e.g. beef burgers, meatballs, within their meal deal offers and lunchtime snacks?