My 13 yr can't eat cheese or cottage cheese could this be a start off gluten problems and dairy as he as other health problems aswell
Daughter: My 13 yr can't eat cheese or... - Gluten Free Guerr...
Hi Lynn,
The best answer I can give you is possibly. That's not much help I know!
It could be that she genuinely has a dairy intolerance, or this could be linked to a gluten sensitivity issue as you suggested. You need to get to your GP and ask them if they could do a coeliac blood test. Your daughter needs to stay on gluten containing foods otherwise you won't get an accurate result from the test. Doing this will hopefully give you a proper answer.
Well done for not ignoring the issue. For many years I thought I just had a lactose intolerance, however I was diagnosed a coeliac last year. I do have issues tolerating dairy but this is mostly caused by having CD.
agree with last answer. Blood test is the way forward, as this, plus endoscopy, was the positive result for CD. for me. Mine was first picked up after routine blood test after breaking my arm, otherwise I would not have known I had it. Osteoporosis and weight loss were my main symptoms, so now trying to put weight back on again, but no luck so far. It,s only been 7 months since diagnosis, so here goes. Good luck