has anyone has a reaction if they eat... - Gluten Free Guerr...
has anyone has a reaction if they eat genius or warbuton's gluten free products?

I seem ok on genius, but warburtons bread makes me bloat, so I tend to have marks and Spencer's seeded loaf. Mind you when I first went gluten free most of the gf ranges didn't agree with me. Now 17 month on I have started trying a few more items, like the pittas and crackers., but only once or twice a week do I have any of the gf range, as they are full of salt and sugars...

yep, me too .
Genius is gine, any other including free from and warburons and I'm 0 excuse me - but passing wind all day and bloated stomach.
Genius only I'm afraid
Same as Janie, I'm OK with Genius but Warburtons makes me bloat - plus it does that disgusting pappy "cotton wool behind my teeth" thing!
For me the best is M&S seeded brown, with their white loaf being the only GF white I consider edible (in the sense of being better than going without bread).
I can tolerate Warburtons in moderation - but certainly not Genius - that makes me bloat terribly.
Ditto: genius fine, warburtons makes me feel bad. Genius doesn't have that weird spongey texture lots of GF breads have.
I'm no longer able to tolerate any gluten free bread so gave it up completely last year. Genius was especially bad at making me feel as though I was getting symptoms of being glutened.
Most bread type products I noticed use Hydroxypropylmethylcellulose as an ingredient so a no go for me unless I need a laxative and all over rash
I have no problem with Genius, in fact I like it but Warburtons now that makes me ill.
Hi I get my gf seeded fibre bread from this company on prescription gfdiet.com/home.php I am not 100% sure but I think it could be the same company that makes M & S bread. If you are able to get it on prescription then it might be worth trying as it will work out much cheaper if you can freeze it ( you have to order 6 or more)
Hi - I also don't tolerate Genius. It has a fair amount of fat and as I have a fat malabsorption issue, that's likely the ingredient that isn't agreeing with me.
I can't eat either of them. Same as Pretender Hydroxypropylmethylcellulose tends to be in the ones I've tried and felt ill after.
I am fine with Genius and now that's the only one i will eat,Warburtons made me feel sickly and to be honest never filled my up it was horrible in many ways..
Thank you all for taking the time to reply. good to know I'm not alone but sad that GF products may not be the answer we hope for.
Looks like the best option is minimise processed food in my diet, which has the added benefit of being very healthy!
I can't eat any gf products with psyllium husk....terrible stomach pains and nipping to the loo. A pharmacist told me that it is an artificial form of fibre added to gf foods in particular and my problem with it is a common side effect.....virtually all the supermarket sold gf bread contains it. Prescribed breads usually don't (Genius doesn't in it's prescribed but does in the supermarket ones) My naturaly suspicious mind does wonder about this
I have severe reactions to a lot of gluten free bread and it causes me horrendous pain and hours of vomiting. I have the same reaction to goodfellas gluten free pizza and gluten free puff pastry. It's put me in hospital as it mimics a heart attack and I ended up in the heart unit where my heart had a mot. They were shocked as everything with my heart was fine. The only bread I am safe with was fresh bake genius on prescription which now they have stopped. It's bloody annoying ciz now I have to make my own and it's hit and miss with the many different ingredients and recipes and expensive!!!