recent test involved moving red light which you are meant to ignore. Is this new? There was an audible beeping to help you. Seems unfair if you have hearing loss. Any ideas or comments?
moving red light in DVLA eye test: recent test... - Glaucoma UK
moving red light in DVLA eye test
Hi. Sounds like you had the Henson VF machine. I think by ignoring the red lights they meant focus on them but don't click when the red light moves. The red light will move from the centre, to the right and to the left.
I had the same test once. It was done by a trainee optometrist (I think) and I did not have the test explained to me beforehand. I therefore was not aware that the light would move and, as I have some hearing loss and I was in the usual noisy Specsavers environment, I did not hear the warning sound. (apparently you are meant to have the option of wearing earphones).. Somehow I managed to get through the test with a satisfactory result but I did write to the DVLA to complain about how the test was carried out. I now always opt for a Specsavers branch which uses the Humphrey machine instead of the Henson. Fortunately the branch where I had the Henson test no longer appears on my list of possible venues anyway!
Incidentally I was diagnosed with juvenile glaucoma almost 60 years ago when my fields were tested by my consultant dressed in black waving a stick with a white dot on the end in front of a black screen with a bit of cotton wool stuck in the middle!