How often do you have to have a dvla sight /visual field test? Is it the same for everyone or do they vary. I’ve just got my license back and it has a 1 year expiry.
DVLA visual field test: How often do you have to... - Glaucoma UK
DVLA visual field test

Good afternoon. Yes, it can vary in time on how often you have to take the driving visual field test. A one year licence often means that the result was borderline, so they will want to check it in a year's time rather than leave it for three years.

Hi Helen, thanks for your reply. It was my first dvla test and I was a bit nervous. I think I was over pressing on my first 2 attempts. I also didn't realise that in that case it wasn't able to be submitted to the dvla. I also didn't know that I only had 3 chances so on the final attempt I cautiously under pressed just to ensure I didn't essentially fail it altogether and not have a suitable attempt to submit to the dvla. Hopefully I'll do better next time now I know how things work.
Hi. Your explanation could well be the reason. It could be that your first two tests had more than 20% of false positives. This means that you may have pressed the button when a light wasn't shown. If this happens then they do repeat the test up to three times.
You are very likely to do better next time, now that you know what to do and what to expect. You are not alone and not the only person to experience this.
Just to let you know, that you are entitled to a copy of your field test from the optician's. If you didn't know this, at least you will know for next time.

Other than not originally mentioning that I only had 3 attempts Specsavers in Retford were really good to be fair to them. I did ask and received a copy of the results.

If only they told us it was the best of three we could have regarded the first as a trial run! Which is often needed to familiarise ourselves and ensure the tester knows too!

Hi Helen, I hope you don’t mind be butting in here MRTSBMS, I just wanted to ask if you knew whether the DVLA do some kind of average over the 3 tests or do they use the best one? It’s just that I did my first without glasses and was the best as I used reading glasses for other 2 and found out afterwards I should’ve used distance glasses.
I took the Esterman binocular test in July and after 2 attempts gave up. I wish I had seen the first attempt as a familiarisation exercise, as I wasn't sure about the instructions. It was only my third ever FV test & the moving fixation point meant I found it much harder than the other two. I complained about the response button, as it was not obvious if it had registered and was told to press it on my leg. I'm waiting to get rimless driving glasses, now. I'm practising using static fixation tests and recently achieved a poor result in my new, framed driving glasses, yet achieved 100% without glasses! Cheaper than a barrister in a magistrates court!! Currently unable to get an independent test due to DVLA Covid backlog.
Hi Spanieldoglover
Sorry for the late reply but I have been away from work for some time.
The best result out of the three tests is sent to the DVLA, not an average of the three tests. It is usually the glasses you wear for driving, which are used for the test. However, this should have been explained to you. I wouldn't be too concerned about using your reading glasses though and you did the better test without glasses.
I hope it isn't too long a wait until you hear from the DVLA.

Thank you Helen. I did hear back quite quickly actually so I assume they have caught up with the backlog. Luckily I did pass and will have another in 3 years. At least next time I will know what to expect.
Great news. It is such a relief isn’t it to get it over and done with and not have to worry about it for another three years. Really pleased for you. x
Thank you, yes a huge relief 😊 x
Hi Spanieldoglover,
So pleased for you with the outcome of your test. I can imagine the relief. I am finding a combination of walking & public transport so draining. I work 18.5 hours per week over 3 days, but the time I'm away from home each day has extended from 21 hours to 30 hours per week.
Would you mind telling us how long you waited between submitting your test result and the DVLA decision? I submitted my independent test & the additional medical information using Tracked Mail to DVLA on 22 December, but no response.

Hi TrescoPaddler, I had my eye test on the 6th December and heard back just before Christmas so just under 3 weeks. The Christmas holidays will obviously have delayed things, but hopefully you will hear soon. Good luck 🤞
Thank - you for that rapid response. It is so encouraging to hear that, as I struggle with my chilblains and frustration from waiting and walking in the cold, as I await the outcome of my independent test. Reading the comments on this forum have informed and helped me through this unexpected period of gloom.

That's interesting . I was told ok not to wear specs for doing the flashing test as I wear glasses mainly for driving. I wore them for reading the Letters though. Optician also told me later that as I am short-sighted now better not to wear specs as can see the dots ok without and better not to be impaired by any frames . I had the three tests and that was my query too - never found out and never got to see any of them.
i did not know you can have a print of the field test. They just send you home and I knew I missed points. Also I hate the click i Specsavers, am I suposed to see a light. I liked the Hospital machine, no clicks, only had one so far, So in six months time another due.