Hi Everyone,
I have just been recommended the Aqueous shunt surgery. I have had Glaucoma for years (since 30s, now I'm in my mid 40s) and was on latanoprost and everything was working well until I had the retina detachment surgery in May and my pressure will not drop, tried various drops without much luck. Not sure it's a side effect of dexamethasone or due to the impact of retinal detachment surgery itself. So far I tried the following without results:
1. Stopped dexamethasone for a week after the retinal team were happy with the progress.
2. Tried the laser Cyclodiode surgery three weeks ago but again have to use dexamethasone to bring down the inflammation.
I'm a bit nervous / anxious about the surgery and would like to know few things :
1. Is shunt implant the best option here ? Are there any alternative less invasive procedures?
2. Is the shunt implant surgery really painful post operation ? How long do I have to take days off work?
3. Is the surgery a one-off? Does the microscopic drain pipe stay there permanently?
4. Does it change your eyes / eyelid visually?
5. I used to play sports and jog twice a week until the retinal detachment, how long does it take to get the life back to normal activities post surgery?
Thanks for all for your help!
This message is via mobile so please excuse typos and brevity!