I had my trabs done on 28 Dec. I was pleasantly surprised of how little discomfort the whole process has given me so far, so I dream of going back to my physical activities. I know, not straight away, but at some point. I would like some advice on goggles. For jacuzzi and swimming pool (I don't put my head in the water) I heard that Aquasphere goggles are a good choice. What about tennis? I'm just a beginner, but I enjoy it. What about duty environments, like my loft, etc. Any advice on how to protect my eye and have a normal life?
Trabs and sports: I had my trabs done on 28 Dec... - Glaucoma UK
Trabs and sports

Hi I swim with Sutton Swimwear reef goggles. The issue with those tiny normal swim goggles that fit tightly round your eye socket is that they exert pressure on your eye. So reef goggles which fit to your cheeks don’t exert as much direct pressure. I swam six weeks after my trab, but don’t put my face in the water. Four months after my op I’m doing everything I normally did just with a little more care.
Thank you Cornwalleyes! Sutton goggles look good. I guess I'll have to be more patient and wait six weeks as well...
Hi Cornwalleyes,
Thanks for sharing this as I have always been a very keen swimmer and am hoping to return once my doc gives me the all clear (6 weeks on from MIGS Surgery). I am more conscious now than ever about how life decisions can impact eye pressure.
Have these been recommended by a doctor or are these of your own finding? Somebody recommended Aqua Sphere as well. Am trying hard to return to normal as much when I can .
Hi I found the Aquasphere and Sutton goggles when my consultant said not to use the really small ones. I think both are probably ok. I like Sutton as I found I can easily get prescription ones. I only swim breast stroke so not normally getting my face right in the water., however sometimes the sea has other ideas! I know we have to be careful to look after our eyes but I think it’s as important to exercise and be happy.
Thank you for your reply. Will look into the Sutton more, it's quite appealling to be able to see when swimming rather than it just being a blurry mess (well once my vision returns to normal post MIGS surgery). Did you doctor say anything against swimming in general? I have heard it can be tricky post eye surgery due to the increased infection risk. I couldn't bear not to be able to swim any more in the local pool as it's my main source of exercise
He was adamant I shouldn’t swim until at least six weeks after op, but then said to wear goggles and be very, very careful. I’m really lucky as we live on a peninsula so if one coast is rough sea I go to the other. I am way more cautious about where and when I swim than I was.
hi there I had trabs in both and Grafts in both and cataracts
In both I used to play a lot of football was told to stop
I do a lot of walking around 30-000 steps a day in my work
So that keeps me fit I really would not recommend tennis
Take care 🇺🇦👍
Thank you. Edgar Davids had glaucoma surgery and played professional football with goggles for more than ten years. I wouldn't be as brave (or crazy). I just started playing tennis and my ambition is just to do gentle rallying with a sensible tennis partner. 30,000 steps a day? Wow, well done.