Hi everyone just keeping you all posted on SLT treatment
it is now 21 months and just had another pressure test (i get one every 3 months), it is 17 in both eyes. I am hoping it will continue for a while even though it says 2-3 years slt lasts.
i have open angled glaucoma diagnosed 2 years ago, received slt 2 months after diagnosis
take 1 drop monoprost nightly was also taking this for 2 years prior to my glaucoma diagnosis this was for high pressure.
previous pressure reached 28, once i got to this level I got damage in my eye and it became glaucoma
tried azarga and alphagan could not continue, side effects
offered slt, best on a virgin eye before you start using long term continual beta blockers etc.
other diseases all immune related
under active thyroid, psoriasis, osteoporosis,
i have had people contact me on this site as many also have thyroid problems who have glaucoma
take care
val france