Pressure: Hi Everyone has most of you know I do... - Glaucoma UK

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42 Replies

Hi Everyone has most of you know I do freak over having Gluacoma was just wondering can you feel Eye Pressure or is it most likely Dry Eye. Xx

42 Replies
mrswaffle profile image

Hi Julie, since last winter, my eyes have felt intermittently uncomfortable. The consultant at the hospital in May said he thought I had dry eyes and I showed him the bottle of Hyco San and he said it would be a good idea to use them, up to about 6 times a day. I do find they help, but I hate all the faff. I do wish they would find a cure for glaucoma (a proper cure, not just treating the symptoms) . It’s too late for me, but there seem to be lots of younger people (like you) whose lives would be transformed if they didn’t have to use drops several times a day and all the rest of it.

in reply to mrswaffle

Thankyou for your reply I have took myself off to eye emergency department before and been told it’s dry eye but i just worry. I use Hylo Forte it’ does help but your right it’s a faff. I hope there is a cure soon and I’m sure it’s not to late for you either. Xx

Kiara-52 profile image

Hi Julie, I have had high eye pressure in the past and was totally unaware so I think the answer is no. I have never had dry eye so am lucky that I have never had any pain etc in my eyes. I would suggest that its most likely Dry eye? Hope it improves soon. 🙂

in reply to Kiara-52

Thankyou I’m sure it’s dry eye as well I just always think the worst x

Kiara-52 profile image
Kiara-52 in reply to

Can I ask when you started to get Dry eye? Was it the Glaucoma that brought it on? I still wear contacts and I think I would need to stop if I get dry eye? I wish you could feel eye pressure as that would make it a lot easier for us to get help and know when things change.

in reply to Kiara-52

I got dry eye probably about 3 months into using my gluacoma drops. I’m really good at taking the gluacoma drops but have to get better at taking the dry eye drops. I do know dry eye has no effect on gluacoma. I think with other gluacoma you can feel pressure but not with open angle I may be wrong I’m trying to stay away from Dr Google to be honest. How are hinges with you x

Kiara-52 profile image
Kiara-52 in reply to

Thanks for reply, I am just over 3 months on my Glaucoma drops and so far no Dry eye. I am using my glasses more and trying to use my contacts less. So I think that will help just in case I get Dry eye in the future. Things are good with me at the moment. I am just hoping there are more advances in the next few years that can help us all on our journeys with Glaucoma. I think I am of a similar age to you I am 52 and also have open angle like you. Hopefully we can help each other though the next few years 🙂

in reply to Kiara-52

Glad all is good for you. Yes we are a similar age I’m 53. I had hospital last week but pressures were 22/23 so I’m on more drops and go back in 6 weeks. I do fret a lot about gluacoma and I hope we get more advances in treatment to. Xx

Engima profile image

Definitely dry eye. One cannot feel eye pressures. x

In short, no. But in my experience there are things that can indicate pressures are too high. Above about 35 I would start to see rainbow halos around light sources. Above around 50 the fluid in my eye would cloud and my vision would start to fade. At that sort of pressure though, rapid medical intervention is required. I have been told that these sort of pressures should be painful, but for me they were not.

There are other things though that can cause halo vision, so it is not necessarily elevated eye pressure.

callie77 profile image

Hi Julie my eyes felt uncomfortable when I was first diagnosed and put on eye drops. I was told it was dry eye and to put in drops up to 5 times a day to help them. I still use dry eye drops everyday 4/5 times otherwise they become scratchy again. I was on Hylo forte but am now on hydramed. X

in reply to callie77

Thankyou. I do think I need to use the dry eye drops more but not sure if Hylo Forte is working that well. Did you get another type from your ophthalmologist or did you swap them yourself x

Spanieldoglover profile image
Spanieldoglover in reply to

Hi Julie, don’t know if this will help, but if you’re not sure whether Hylo Forte is working, as another possibility, my consultant suggested Thealoz duo which I have started to use. Seems to be working okay although my eyes are mainly sore/dry in the morning and I’m not sure if that’s because I put too much Latanoprost in the night before because I’m always worried the drop hasn’t gone in properly 🤦‍♀️ x

in reply to Spanieldoglover

You sound exactly like me I sometimes put more drop in because I worry it hasn’t gone in. Gluacoma drops I mean. Also I work on a handheld computer at work all day so I don’t think that helps it sometimes gives me double vision only another symptom of dry eye apparently x

Spanieldoglover profile image
Spanieldoglover in reply to

A nurse said to me not to worry if I put too much of the drop in my eye because the extra will just run out so I’m just going with that 😊I’m on the computer a lot too and I think our eyes can just become tired, but I’ve been reassured that the computer shouldn’t be a problem.

I hope you’re feeling better. I think this forum is a great way for us to support each other x

in reply to Spanieldoglover

It definitely is a great forum. I know computers don’t affect gluacoma but I think they affect dry eye x

Spanieldoglover profile image
Spanieldoglover in reply to

Probably 😕x

Totthi profile image
Totthi in reply to

Hi JulieBookworm1968, yes like you, I always think about the worst, will I be blind?

Totthi profile image
Totthi in reply to Spanieldoglover

Yes, I agree with you, it is a great forum, I have learned a lot from all of you, thank you.

callie77 profile image

I was fine on Hylo but on my next repeat prescription the Dr had changed it to hydramed. When I queried it they said it was the same ingredients but a different name. I think hydramed was cheaper really and that's why it was changed. I use it regularly up to 5 times a day. X

in reply to callie77

Thankyou x

in reply to callie77

I think I will have a word with the doctor see what they say x

Jennymary profile image

Hi Julie, when my pressure has been really high I've had no symptoms so I expect you've got dry eye, might be worth a, check with a pharmacist to see which one might be better for you

Quantam profile image

If you are worried about your eye pressure you can always get a pressure test at specsavers rather than waiting a long time for the hospital.

in reply to Quantam


Oh really I’m not getting that but just I’m in more drops so I’m sure it’s more dry eye. It doesn’t hurt when I blink at all. But Thankyou for the message x

Sufitzy profile image

Hiya , if uncomfortable then I find it is my dry eye condition but I do also feel and see a pulse in my eye and I think that is a sign of when my pressure is up. I also used to get the aura’s and that a definite sign but oddly they used to be colour and now the pressure is lowered they are black and white. X

in reply to Sufitzy

I think mine is dry eye definitely the more people I talk to it seems that way as I don’t get halos or headaches or any other kind of things that people mention x

frankthebank profile image

Hi Julie hope you are well. I've noticed that a lot of people on here are saying that you can't feel eye pressure. However I can tell you from personal experience and talking to a doctor about this very question, that it's not true at all.When Eye pressure hits high 30s and up you can feel it. For me when my pressure was 49, I had a continuous ache in my eye which was extremely uncomfortable and worrying, this was also accompanied by a intermittent stabbing sensation and a feeling like something was stuck in my eye.

I asked the doctor about this and he confirmed that high 30s onwards it common to feel pain, and referred to high 20s early 30s as the danger zone because you can't feel there is an issue.

So in your case for mild Glaucoma down in the very low 20s you shouldn't be feeling any discomfort, so it does indeed sound like dry eyes could be the culprit or irritation caused by the drops. However if in doubt it's always better to visit a doctor to confirm its nothing to worry about, always better to be safe than sorry XX

in reply to frankthebank

Hi frankthebank thankyou for your lovely message. Hope things are well with you xx

frankthebank profile image
frankthebank in reply to

Yes I'm good thanks Julie, just trying to get on with things, most days I'm fine but some days it's all so depressing, as I'm sure you can relate to. But that's life I guess we get knocked down, get back up, dust ourselves off and keep going XX

Wales99 profile image
Wales99 in reply to frankthebank

Yes I agree frankthebank when my pressure was 44 I could feel it, had similar symptoms to yours. As soon as I got drops that went away. Unfortunately my pressure didn’t stay down & I had to have a trabeculectomy. Hopefully that has sorted it.

frankthebank profile image
frankthebank in reply to Wales99

Thanks Wales99, I hope the trabeculectomy keeps it down for you, because it really isn't nice up there in the 40s. I'm still on the Drops and Diamox atm waiting to see if the SLT I had worked, if not it's onwards to the Trab for me2. All the best and I really hope the Trab works out for you XX

Wales99 profile image
Wales99 in reply to frankthebank

No - it really isn’t good! Have to say that the drops did get it down to 22 for a while but then it went up again so I was on Diamox for a while until the trab. Yes I’m keeping everything crossed- see the consultant again in early December. Good luck with your journey & I hope the SLT has worked for you. 😊.

Helen_GlaucomaUK profile image

Hi Julie. It does sound like dry eyes. Trouble is, we tend to put the artificial tears in when our eyes are most uncomfortable but when they feel better we don't do the drops so often. They then start to get dry again, so it is good to keep on top of it. Yes, looking at a screen all day means you will be blinking less which can make the eyes dry. Added to this we have central heating this time of the year also drying the eye surface. Up your daily fluid intake and Omega 3 supplements may help also.

in reply to Helen_GlaucomaUK

Thankyou Helen_GlaucomaUK I really do need to make a point of using them all the time like you say I tend to do it when I feel they are sore and dry. I also need to drink more water. Can I take omega 3 in tablet form. If so how much

in reply to

Julie I take flaxseed capsules from Holland Barrett for my Omegas . I take one with breakfast and one with my dinner. X

in reply to

Thankyou xx

Helen_GlaucomaUK profile image
Helen_GlaucomaUKAdministrator in reply to

Omega 3 is in tablet form and it would be best to ask at one of the Health food shops on the dose you should take. It should also say on the bottle/packet. Flaxseed capsules are also good as Witchie346 mentioned.

in reply to Helen_GlaucomaUK


Bluella profile image

Hi Julie

I have experienced two types of discomfort in my eyes. One is the feeling of your eylids not being 'oiled' so my eyes feel scratchy, gritty as if there was fine sand in them, I get that sometimes when I wake up too early or during the night. It usually eases off after a few minutes with blinking. My optician thinks I have dry eye and suggested to take Hyco San Forte which I have to admit I am not very strict with applying. (cause I don't feel I need it)

But the other type of pain that I started to experience several months ago is totally different. It feels like pain when you bruise, it's is not sharp but feels tender when you touch or even when you don't and is in the area around your eyeball, deep in the top eye socket arch. So I don't know if this is related to my IOP (24/22). I wonder if anyone else has experienced this type of ache?

in reply to Bluella

Hi Bluella I’ve had the gritty feeling apparently that is dry eye. I’ve never had the other feelings your saying about though. My pressures at there highest were 34 but thank goodness never find that high again. My lowest has been 19 they are tending to hover in the low 20s so still not great. Xx

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