Hi is there anyone in the community who also has closed angle glaucoma? I was diagnosed twenty years ago, was given laser treatment on the same day and since then I have been taking drops of various types. Until recently my pressures were fairly stable however they have risen significantly. The condition was just in my left eye and now the pressure in my right eye is rising. Just wondered if there is anyone else experiencing the same.
Closed angle glaucoma : Hi is there anyone in... - Glaucoma UK
Closed angle glaucoma

I had laser surgery about 2 years ago. My understanding is that they can re-laser if necessary. But my pressure have risen due to high ocular pressure and early signs of open angle glaucoma rather than a problem with the original laser sights . My pressure were up to 28 and 32. But the laser holes are apparently fine .
Hi Sunshine8888
I was diagnosed with closed angle glaucoma when I was 47 - this year I will be 74.
I too had laser treatment when first referred to the hospital in 1994. I didn`t start using drops until 2011 - first Latanoprost which didn`t work for me so was given Bimatoprost which did work until 2018 when my pressures went up again so I was given Ganfort which I am still using.
At my last appointment in February this year the pressure in my left eye had gone up again to 22 - previously 17. So I was told I would be seen again in three months.
The pressure in my right eye is good - usually about 12 - 14. This is because I have had the cataract done in this eye at the same time I had a macular hole repair - that was in 2011.
Hi Lynne thank you so much for getting back to me, I really do appreciate it! I was diagnosed at 48 and had laser on the same day in both eyes. I was on Bimatoprost however pressure in left eye went up to 27, and pressure in right went from 14 to 24. I have been put on dorzolamide/timolol twice a day and Monopost last thing at night. I was also seen in Feb and due back in two months fingers crossed. Good to chat to you Lynne.