Hoping some folk on here may be able to help me, my daughter has just been told she has "strep b" she is devasted as the news came via the postman with a medical letter from her midwife with a leaflet enclosed saying about still borns miscarriage etc.
Firstly, my daughter had a very serious car accident when she was 16, which she had to undergo over 16 operations.
This left her with stress disorder etc.
When she was 21 she married tried for a family only to find out her and her partner would need I.V.F with ixi ( not sure how that is spelled)
On her third attempt she got pregnant with twins!
She had to use a progestrone gel in her vagina for three months which in the last month of applying made her sore & painful with lots of discharge, this followed on with two bouts of water infections which she had antibiotics.
She then started complaining of pain in her cervix and discharge and a sharp hot pain shooting up through her cervix...I told her to go to the doctors nothing was done ..on the third attempt and my daughter now asking for a swab test please......she got one.
Now found out this "strep b "
She is having a c section as she is high risk, she also is 0 - blood group.
Can I ask what happens now?
She is upset and crying as she thinks she has passed this on to the babies in her womb as the bacteria is in her vagina.
Can she not have antibiotics to kill this bacteria?
Can you help yourself to get rid of it?
Can stress cause it?
If her waters break before hand will the babies get it?
The leaflet from Chris steel campaign certainly frightens pregnant ladies...
Why is strep b not a routine swab for pregnant ladies?
So worried for her
From her Mum