Being an animal trainer and behavior expert this condition "Non-Non-diabetic Peripheral Neuropathy has halted my life and career. Pain is unbearable without gabapentin yet I t puts me to sleep when I take it. Help1
The pet whisperer: Being an animal... - Foggy's "Invisibl...
The pet whisperer

What type o peripheral neuropathy has been diagnosed? Are both your hands and feet and do you get tingling burning, or stabbing pains?
Hi crazy cat - have found some info concerning controlling nerve pain on Acetyl - L- Carnitine supplement can help the nerve pain for neuropathy. If your blood counts are down whey protein can help increase CD4T cell count and help you gain weight. I have diabetic neuropathy which can be helped by lowering blood sugar. Hope this might help. Take care.

I am new and to thus thru email
I have severe PN in my lower extremities especially my feet. I went from being a strong, athletic, animal rescue to feeling like I can barely stand to live anymore. The pain is unbearable. I read that someone suggested L-Arnitine. Did u try it & if so do u recommend? I know how badly u must feel to not be able to be involved w/your animals. I truly believe the only reason I live & agree to tolerate this horrific pain is because of my animals. Pls talk to me
Dear langefoundation - you are so brave to have this pain. My neuropathy has reduced with a radical change in diet. I had to find out why my blood sugar was so high. I eventually had food intolerance tests, and removed all the intolerances which for me were grains wheat rye barley maize, corn starch, corn syrup, barley malt products chocolates, beer have dairy intolerance, and eggs too. As I have a diabetic reason for the pain, it has helped my diabetes, IBS, and to recover from skin cancer. It may seem unlikely but vitamin and mineral deficiency such as vitamin D and K, or disease such as circulatory problems might be partly to blame. I tried a shiatsu electronic machine and it was really relaxing helping the circulation to the legs. The one I tried had small soft bobbles on the surface when you got used to it, the sensation of vibration really helped my feet feel better. I have not tried L carnitine itself but believe a diet with gaba foods
may help. There are other proteins I have seen other people take for pain as well. I will look through any other papers. If you are not gluten free - organ damage and pain due to fibromyalgia may be helped by changing your diet to go gluten free.
Endometriosis, and thyroid disease are some of the diseases which may be damaged by gluten. However with celiac disease, in the Uk standard tests for other grains such as wheat rye barley oats and maize to name a few may bot be available. Have you been screened for celiac disease, as this might help. This is mainly for gluten, dairy, and egg in the UK. I am not gluten intolerant but still have grain intolerance.
The is a link you can find more information about muscular and other damage affecting your body. Vitamin D deficiency may also increase your pain and energy levels. You should have tests for a range of vitamins and minerals especially ferritin, iron, vitamin B12. If you have pernicious anaemia it can be treated with B12 injections. I do hope you can find out what tests you have had as these may hold the key to your neuropathy.

Thank u for ur kindness. I have non diabetic NP & every test known to science has been conducted. My diet is exemplary, my minerals, vitamins, there isn’t a test I’ve missed. It is my deep rooted intuition that as a result of my lifetime of stress, abuse, withheld anger has made me very toxic deep in my psyche. My brain knows the cause, why my body has turned against me- the old expression “u r ur own worst enemy “ has never been more true & I am a living example. I actually wished it was caused by foods or my bad spine & a host of other possibilities because I could perhaps heal. I have been trying so hard to exorcise my deep rooted anger which probably started as a very young child. So many years of holding onto deep seated experiences even as I write, I know even my marriage if 36 years is toxic
I need spiritual, psychological support. I have barely a handful of living friends, all battling their own demons,
I am not a social butterfly & cannot find a comprehensive, integrated facility where I could go & get the help I need. My husband is not a bad person, but he is covered inside & out w/anger & the darkest depression
His escape is sleep day & nite which leaves only my 2 dogs for me to talk to
They r my whole life & Vice versa
It’s hard to say who rescued who
My 15 year old is at that junction whereby she needs to be taken care of . Both my dogs & myself r completely co-dependent & even if I could find a Clinic I cannot leave them behind. They require constant care, especially my Little 15 year old girl
They have never been boarded & truthfully, I doubt they would survive my absence fir more than a few days
It’s kind of like having young children (altho I’ve never had children) & I know I cannot leave them behind nor is there a human that could give them what they need to stay alive
I know it all must sound stupid which is why I am anonymous in this email
I did order a few supps. That were mentioned. I thought I already had it covered but I ordered Benfotiamine 150 + Alpha Lipoc Acid 300
Never heard of it but it was mentioned several times
Sorry to bend ur ear. U r kind to rsvp & thank u. Langefoundation❤️
I’m glad u r ok & could trace the culprit. My culprit is my brain 🧠
You are right - you have terrible traumatic psychological problems which has left you feeling alone. You did ask about L carnitine which is another protein, which can help the brain. You mentioned neuropathy and this is not usually to do with your psychological condition. Do you think you would find yoga would help with your mental health? You mentioned you had every test under the sun but have you had
tests for grain allergies? I correspond with US and not many people have had tests for individual food tests which can detect, how your brain and body function can be affected. If you have neuropathy, it could be due many types of auto immune disease which have never been assessed. Do you have varicose veins, and does your stress lead to your cortisol levels rising, producing adrenal fatigue?
The way forward for you I guess is to ask for help with a behavioural psychologist who with cognitive behavioural methods can help as well as some other post traumatic stress disorders, which stem from damage done due to your childhood, or adult experiences. You say you are on gabapentin, which is drug for mental health? Some drugs can have side effects - whether muscular weakness is one of them, I am going to look up. So pleased your dogs make you feel you have companions. Expect you know why your husband gets angry and depressed - and if he needs help too. It is like you are sharing the burden of your husband's depression and cannot help. You are both locked out. Until you can help yourself you cannot help your husband. If you want to help yourself then pamper yourself,
put your needs first, and don't deprive yourself of a make over and to re invent yourself. It might wake your husband up.

I sent a reply to thank u. I’m tech challenged & fear that after pouring my heart out back at u, I managed to delete my reply. I’m not on gabapentin or any other Neuropathy drugs. Everyone made me sick! I’ve been looking for a support group. LA is a tough city. I was born here & it was once a wonderful place. Now it is filled w/spoiled, rich foreigners, maybe some non foreigners & values r so misplaced. I have been a giver, caretaker person all my life. Heart most valuable part of our species but it seems there r so many “tin men” & women living the life.
I’m far too sensitive that it’s a detriment. I cry for our planet, our wildlife, all the innocents! The greed makes me sick. Yes I was abused my first 15 years & couldn’t fight back so no doubt the anger is deeply rooted.
I am married 36 years to an emotionally detached man. I regret that I did not give up hope & move on
Now I am physically no good & I have so much anger at him because he is not “there” for me. Now I am needy for first time. Never learned how to ask anyone for help. There was nobody there anyhow. My husband had to stop working at 58 yrs of age
Burn out. For 12 years he has done nothing except devour his meds & escape to another planet. He doesn’t hear me, he cannot step up to the plate now that I truly need him
I have spoiled him for our entire marriage, I love giving & it comes easily! I fight w/myself & ponder divorce because I have grown so angry. I am toxic. The light cannot get thru my aura. I was a student of yoga for 20 years or more. I once saw the light. I thought I had healed my old wounds. I try to meditate, invision positive light but I have grown dark & dense w/harbored anger.
Yes, at times I lash out but he doesn’t hear me. He is an emotionally detached man. Drugs also help him sleep almost 24/7!
I’m not a stupid unconscious person
I know I have PTSD but cannot get myself on a path for support & wellness. I am to blame for my own illness because my mind & body has turned against itself. I cannot dispell the toxic anger & I try so hard to
I always believed AWARENESS is the first step to healing one’s spirit
The universe is not assisting me at this point in time. I fear I cannot do it alone. I so desperately want my pain to subside. I know God has placed me into my own hands & I am fumbling!!!
I see a psych weekly but those 50 mins. simply isn’t enough. I’m going back instead of forward !
Deep down I keep getting this inner ear that says I cannot live under same roof as my husband. I am permeated w/his darkness. Like I said, I am far too sensitive. I feel the pain of our world. When I was physically strong, volunteering helped a lot but now I have to put my energy into my immediate life, my pets. I always was a far to responsible, dependable being. Now I am useless. The pain does toxic things to our minds.
Thank u for writing to me!!!I have taken up way too much space & time w/my negativity. I apologize
I need to find a place where there r no ears, including Mother Nature’s, to have a good primal scream
I so desperately need help. My dogs keep me alive. I could never leave them. Even if a away facility was available, I could not leave them
I keep them alive too
Thank u for sending your thoughts
It does mean a lot❤️🐕🐶
I agree with you about pets - they are valuable companions and help us so much.
Must have been reading about someone else who was on gabentin - it has unbelievable side effects including depression and muscle pain - so many drugs are toxic and can affect your hearing, and your eyesight and other parts. Most people go on them and if they have no side effects they are happy - but there are many who do have side effects and don't realise it. You are such a kind person and have spoilt your husband, but though he is emotionally detached, does he communicate with you, or is life too difficult so you make yourself busy and then absorb your time with your animals? There are many women who are working, though don't feel as if they are paid, because the role of a housewife is unpaid. You get taken for granted. Do you have health insurance, so you can access certain psychology help from therapists? We have a health service here but there are cuts, but on the whole it does its best to serve millions of people here. I do hope the summer months will help your feelings of toxic resentment as if you have little communication you feel you are growing apart - but that is what a mental health problem can do - it can break relationships. I guess your hobbies, listening to music or even knitting can make you relax and make you happy. We enjoy a good film but have to make sure we have quality time together during the day as during this time of the year the garden grows a pace and is hard to keep up with. Take care.

U r so very kind & I wish u joy
Thank u. Life throws lots of curves
I must count my blessings ❤️
it is hope you can enjoy watching telly or going on a picnic or anything to keep you
renewing your relationship. Thanks for reminding me of how lucky we are to enjoy the things we take for granted being able to appreciate our surroundings, and to love our animals who give us so much without argument.

I hope u got my answer. This site is goofy. ❤️🐶🐕🙏
Counting my blessings! - I like the word goofy! It's probably the respondents who have tricky sight and jumping computers who are hard to discern!

I cannot survive another nite
I cannot find a medical facility to help me. I’m so close to giving up. I don’t know why my pain has escalated 100% in last 4 weeks. Unbearable
I cannot leave my dogs without someone to take special care. If I could, I would seek a way to finally die & end this. My spirit is so broken
I can’t believe I’m writing my sob story to a perfect stranger. This pain is like nothing I’ve ever experienced & Ive had many accidents & surgeries
I just want to be put out of my misery.
I can’t even eat anymore. It is hard to be thankful or positive when I’ve lost all hope of getting help
I’m sorry to have to write these words
I want to end this
It sounds like u have a good companion, someone to share ur life with, probably compassion & TLC
I do not. Nobody can understand my pain & even tho we have so many medical facilities in LA, there is nothing that addresses my condition
There is no cure for a broken heart other than sharing and trying to rebuild your confidence - The trouble is that you are the (((light))))) of your family and those that love you so much - if you don't eat then, your health will worsen, and if you don't drink enough water this can make you feel so much worse. You are not the only one who has had broken down with physical and mental health problems - you love your animals and those who depend on you and need something to help physical pain and mental pain. Think Foggy's website is not your real website. No reply necessary.

U r soo right. Thank u❤️🐶🐕
Had a period when I felt nauseous - wen to the doctor who told me immediately that I would feel much worse if I did not eat anything because I was not eating anything for several days. I was young then and his advice was true. When I ate something I began to recover. Apples helped me - stewed if they are too crunch at the moment and don't worry about some sugar - you need the calories. Milk too is an easy whole food. Would send you a heart and a chipmunk smiling but don't know how to use emojis nor aps - Could you help me with this as I have a fear of aps which sends me into an anxiety state ha!

I eat exceptionally healthy foods for all my adult life. My problem is not food
I came to this site because I have nowhere to turn to try to understand my severe legs & feet PN
I cannot find a Neuroligist who can help. Nerve pain is still a medical mystery! I only know I’m fighting to live, the pain in my face (post heretic neuropathy) & the pain in my legs cause me to have thoughts of suicide
It is beyond anything I can continue to endure. My PN IN MY legs is due to a life of trauma. The pHN in my face is a result of undiagnosed shingles
My nerves are damaged. There is no fix since it is not a cause of illness like diabetes. It is deep rooted emotions
Not my face. My face is due to medical screw up.
My lower extremities is due to too many years of abuse & anger
I have been searching for help to no avail. The miracle of medicine has not advanced far enough in my lifetime to offer any relief. I have gone from an active, productive, giving of myself life, golf, walks, volunteering to zero save but my dogs. The pain at nite is when I most want to die. I am 100 lbs, was always twice as strong, like a little super woman. I am crippled. Food has nothing to do w/my condition
Yes, a broken heart has much to do w/it. If I was physically stronger I would leave this existence of depression & darkness, & try to radically change my life, even leave my husband, reinvent myself
This is not a site I belong in
I need to talk to others who suffer from my illness. Your words r kind but I’m not making myself clear
I will not be attempting to use this site anymore.
Thank u. No need to respond❤️🐶🐕
L Glutamine is recommended to repair the nerve damage in types of neuropathy.
( amino acid - a protein found in some foods.)
L-Glutamine and Peripheral Neuropathy is the title of the article found at the above website. It looks helpful and helps repair the tissue. Your animals sound lovely - being a pet trainer must keep you busy.
It has been recommended and tried by a really kind professional so may be it could help. No need to reply.
Further information on the use of Acetyl-L-carnitine as a neuro-protective agent in case of peripheral neuropathy preventing nerve cell death and to regenerate and increase nerve fibres and form and maintain the myelin sheath and to relieve pain can be found at-
Links for research into experimental data for neuropathy which may not be viral or diabetic linked can be found through
No reply is necessary.
The drug "Amitriptyline" is used for any type of neuropathy pain control. No reply necessary.
Never took recommended Gaberpentin, due to reading side effects and negative reports from others that did, I take Alpha Lipoic Acid, and multi vitamins am and magnesium before bed, magnesium foot baths also good. I have under active thyroid, if I miss a thyroxine tablet, my feet suffer so maybe get a thyroid check up. Exercise also a must.