Hi everyone,
I never had freckles growing up just moles and a beauty spot on my face. I noticed earlier this year that I started to develop red freckles. At first It didn't bother me but I now have them everywhere and I just wondered if anyone else has them? My nurse explained to me last week that they develop when I knock myself in to something or brush against something. They are little blood vessels that come out even at the slightest touch and I found out that they also occur when my bed sheets rub against me in the night!!!! I have pictures which hopefully you can see the red spots. The other thing I found out this week is that I have arthritis in the spine. Thankfully it's cleared up (not as painful as it was 2 weeks ago) for now due to some very fast working Anti-inflammatories. I have it in my lumbar region. I've always been very careful with my back as I was diagnosed with scoliosis when I was 16 years old. Does anyone else have this? Also do you think it's Fibro related?
Hope everyone is well. Gentle Fibro hugs to you all