Morning all. I hope someone can help. I have fibromyalgia and small fibre neuropathy along with hypothyroidism. My joints ache and are so sore it's unbelievable. I wear thumb splints which helps a little, but I can actually press my joints especially hips and feel intense pain. My hand was swollen a couple of weeks ago and my gp did a blood test for inflammation but it came back negative. She said if it wasn't arthritis then it was a fibro flare up, but this joint pain has been going on for months and getting increasingly worse. I don't know which way to turn as I have so many conditions that I don't know which one is making me hurt the most. Sigh. Any suggestions gratefully received, thank you.
This pain is getting ridiculous....... - Foggy's "Invisibl...
This pain is getting ridiculous.......

My daughter has just been diagnosed with fibromyalgia after 6 years of severe pain and also has hypothyroidism and she too has no idea wot causes wot, she's had this since given birth to her twins who r now 6 and has struggled so much to get any help from doctors they put her on vitamin D and it has helped a bit with the pain she's also on tramadol but she really thinks it's got a lot to do with the thyroid and the doctor's refusing to give out T3 this is becoming a massive problem to women now,i also have hypothyroidism and can't get T3 from doc either they say as long as ur T4 is ok ur fine,this is not so as ur not meant to still have all the symptoms of an under active thyroid,but I'm sure ur pain is a combination of all 3,I feel really bad for u as u seem to be as bad as my daughter and she's always in pain like u and her gp says there's not much more they can do for her,but I hope u manage to get more help from ur doc as she does but look in to the T3 and see wot u think and get ur vitamin D checked,sorry I can't be of much help to u I just wanted u to know ur not alone,lots of women all over r being diagnosed with hypothyroidism and fibromyalgia,the two seem to go together but as far as I no it's the fibromyalgia that causes the swelling in ur hands and all the other pain that u have,I wish u all the best for the future xxx
Thank you for getting back to me. I am vit D insufficient and my gp gave me 800iu a day - apparently that's what they're only allowed to give according to the licence. I got 5000iu from Amazon and have been taking those. I have just had 2 days annual leave and that has been the best medicine ever! Your poor daughter sounds she is really going through it. In a few years they'll look back on the refusal to give T3 and wonder what the hell they were thinking of, but that's no good to us right now that are suffering. At least my lads are grown up and my grandchildren understand I can't run and play or go for a walk. I really hope you and your daughter get some relief soon. Maggie x
Hi Maggiet, I have also been diagnosed with Fibromyalgia but I am not convinced! My GP checks my TSH for hypothyroidism and says it is in range, but the more I read about TSH the more I think it should not be used to diagnose or rule out hypothyroidism. Have you been on the UK web site TPAUK? Have a search, there is a lot of info on there.
I am also investigating B12 deficiency which can give similar symptoms to hypothyroidism. I have read the book "Could it Be B12?" There is also a web site.
The problem seems to be wih the GPs being happy if your blood results are within the range but the information on these sites explains that if you are low or high within the range you can have symptoms. Have a read and see if anything relates to your symptoms.

Morning Jenny B, the best thing to do is to get your blood test results from your doctor's surgery and put them on here as a new post and loads of folk will be able to help. You are entitled to your results under data protection. My surgery doesn't charge for copies, I just have to sign a form saying that I have taken the info off their premises. Good luck with everything and I look forward to seeing your new post.And I'll check out the website you suggested.