Many with Functional Neurological Disorder/ Conversion Disorder come from all walks of life. While it is most commonly diagnosed in women; men do not always escape it. There are many statistics to define the average FND/CD patient. They are based on a wide range of factors including education level, previous surgery, and age of on set, just to name a few. Averages, however, are not always on your side. When reality comes face to face with FND/CD; it becomes an illness without boundaries. Functional disorders can effect both genders, with any intelligence, it doesn’t stay within national borders, nor will any amount of money buy your way to health.
What unites us together are symptoms that no one can fully explain and very few understand. Some symptoms are more common than others, and to varying degrees. We are all at different stages and we have different perspectives which gives us insights but not a cure. However, to one extent or another, we battle this disorder everyday.
”I think that everyone is part of the whole, and even those who seem to work against us are part of our story” -Lynda
With HOPE we forge ahead changing and creating our own story.
These are OUR stories and someday, we HOPE to end them with a cure…..