I watched an interview with Lisa B and Julie H and made some notes and recommendations. Therapies included :
PT: Purpose of PT was to get the heart used to being uprighy. Starting the exercises laying on the floor moving her legs to slowly getting herself into upright positions (graded exercise).
OT: As her body was constantly in Sympathetic State, she was taught how to manual shift her body into rest and digest. I would think that this would include breathing exercises.
Yoga: To relax and put her body in regulating positions. I think this probably refers to Restorative Yoga.
Psychology: Rethink some of hers fears and regulate her netvous system with own thought.
Diet really important and calorie intake, as you are constantly burning calories even at rest and although she thought she was eating well, it actually turned out she was malnutritioned. Her diet now includes of 20g protein, 30g of fibre.
She also learned meditation and dors this for 20 mins daily.
So having a multi-disciplinary team working by your side could really help.