can anyone help with this I have fnd my nerves are now brick hard and heavy stiff I have others its like wire cuts into me got tugging pulling turning twisting my body now feels completely hollow I've tried asking drs neurology but haven't got anywhere the nerves they make my trousers slipping down as my backside feels hollow im having to constant pull up
Funcional neurological disorder - Functional Neurol...
Funcional neurological disorder
It sounds as if your body is full of tension. I expect you will have tried deep breathing, walking, and maybe floor exercises? I am a fan of 'rope flow' and from the link below you will see some of its benefits,physical and mental ,, and you don't need a rope to start doing the gentler movements ..the figures of eight (known to help brain connectivity). Will leave you to explore what suits you best.
Happy Xmas adventure.
Hi no im not able to do that because of the way things are now things have just been gradually got worse
I understand where you are coming from,.. we all have our own starting point .and need to adjust things to our own needs... I don't do the speedy vigorous movements as depicted in the video either .. improving mobility even in baby steps is good for us physically and mentally, so wait til you feel ready and maybe get some help and advice from a physio in the meantime ? ....... if that is something you can tolerate. Sorry to hear things have got worse. Best wishes.
”like wire cuts into me got tugging pulling turning twisting my body now feels completely hollow I've tried asking drs neurology but haven't got anywhere” - ohh wow !! I totally may identify with all your symptoms, going on for few years already, to the point I can’t walk no more, from athlete to the wheelchair, bedridden now. I’ve been to more then few dozens of different doctors, Neurologists, Endocrinologists, Rheumatologists, Orthopedics, Neurosurgeons, Spine Surgeons, Movement's Disoder and so on, name it - numerous all kind of tests, no one was and is able to identify the “root cause’ of my symptoms. In a mean while my body rapidly falling apart, doing all varieties of Physical Therapies making my condition only worse, muscles, whatever left of the nerves running through, do not hold the impact of exercises, making them weaker, spams beyond description, pain from tendons contractions unbearable, like you described above “like wire cuts into me got tugging pulling turning twisting my body now feels completely hollow I've tried asking drs neurology but haven't got anywhere” .. I’m so lost, not sure what to do at this point. If you find any solution, would super appreciate your sharing it with me!
Very Merry Christmas, beautiful people!!!
I would love to be of assistance as what you describe sounds like sheer agony, but I have never experienced anything similar and don't have co-morbidities with the FND. However there are contributors who might be able to align themselves more with your situation and could help you find some peace in your body. Sincere sympathy.