Has anyone heard about this new service provided by Proclaim Care ..or even used it?
Oyez, oyez ... a new pathway for us? - Functional Neurol...
Oyez, oyez ... a new pathway for us?

I am beginning to think it might just be a garden path!!,,finding any concrete information re ; location or nature of the treatment is like chasing a fairy.
The fairy does exist at brainmind.co.uk/, Here you will find how this private company operates, doing assessments and offering FND treatment FTF in London, or remotely supervising treatment done in the community in other places (of your choosing?) The monthly cost for treatment being between 1k ..2k, that is after the fees for assessment have been paid. Interestingly the site says you cannot self refer ..but you can get a referral from your GP. Any takers?
The other Director Dr Dilley (Neuro Psychiatrist) started a similar company in 2023 which was struck off (not sure why).
The new company with Dr Professor Edwards charges over £51k for an 8 week course?? Maybe if you have medical compensation for a brain injury caused by medical negligence but totally out of reach for most.
They are using a serviced office address 85 Portland Street (companies house). Their website says 84 Portland Street. So you get to speak to a virtual office receptionist at a serviced address.
This reads like an AI generated article that just keeps repeating the same information in different forms?
I've used the link at the end of the page to ask for more information. I'll let you what if anything I get back.
Hi We must not get mixed up between Proclaim - Abbot Company of which I was lucky enough to be accepted after a period of going through an optimise programme. This company Proclaim group seem to be into insurance and private care of people , us who suffer various symptoms.
I am a little worried they are jumping on FND becoming known and a chance to make money., I guess the good news of this is it shows , there is a recognition and investment and more study is going into our suffering world.
I am concerned you need money which is fine if you have it . I really hope this company can get behind and offer a greater clearer understanding for those that are struggling with the basics of where your FND triggers are coming from , so complex . Love to you all , only my opinion for what it counts . Xx
I find it difficult to work out how Proclaim operate ..are they taking referrals from the NHS? .. or taking private patients? It does sound as if they are jumping on a bandwagon, but do their staff really know how the wheels turn? It surprises me that Prof Edwards is 'on board' with them, if it is private health care ,..or is he just allowing them to use his name? Very confusing ..and no address other than in Scotland is provided. Maybe GreenCottage will glean a little more info for us.
And Proclaim Abbot then, do take NHS referrals, such as yourself.. if the Health Trust is prepared to pay, which OPT OX were ..lucky you.. there is very little help in the W. Mids. The local MH Trust will discharge you as quickly as poss, without even a a review from a consultant of the success or otherwise of the meagre therapeutic input provided.
Thanks for the enlightenment but I am finding the nebulous way they operate a turn off ..back to the DIY treatment!
Best wishes
Yes , I think your right, I was lucky , optimise at Oxford worked out that my nervous and neuropathic system was not functioning correctly, I started to lose muscle and my right leg started to not function properly, they felt there was a really good chance and a gamble that if they fitted a abbot burst paddle stimulator proclaim implant it might and should stimulate my neuropathic system , targeting lower l4 l5 S1 , it works well, it is on all the time with a ten year battery. I can adjust the program’s when I am in a lot of pain , it has helped my FND improve slightly. I think if they did not have the knowledge they do at John Radcliffe Hospital , I would have lost the use of my right leg.
It does not stop the pain , it helps me cope with the pain better.
I wish more people that suffer Chronic Pain could get it. Yes I did get it through the NHS, I could never of afforded the cost.
Proclaim have being going many years , specially in the field of the Proclaim Abott Stimulation implant, so I hope the other company are not just after insurance claims , pure profit . I don’t know , I guess we will soon know Greencottage might find somthing. Loads love for now to you and all xx
I had a reply today to say that they only deal with medical insurance cases.
Thanks for finding out .. a sad state of affairs though....our pain used for someone else's gain. Does the 'insurance only' apply to 'brainmind.co.uk' or to Proclaim, although I find it hard to distinguish between the two. I don't think I shall be taking up the opportunity, if one does actually exist, but it is useful for other contributors to know about.
I got a short reply saying that the service was for insurance cases only, from a service perspective you'd want to open up your service to a range of customers,this one seems to be focused on income.
I don't think there's anything sinister about this. I had an excellent physiatrist (physical rehab doctor) in Canada who worked for the public health system but also did private work assessing insurance claims. I didn't begrudge her the extra income - doctors are paid pretty badly considering their education/benefit to society. If Mark Edwards is associated with this company, then you're getting the best of the best.