Hi i have Fnd and fibromyalgia Have chronic migraines cannot take medications. Have been offered botox but am scared how i will react. Have had migraine for 4 days now cant get rid. Does anyone have any ideas what i could try as everything interferes with Fnd. This fnd and fibro is such a lonely place to be in.
Migraine: Hi i have Fnd and... - Functional Neurol...

Which meds have you tried. I feel you because I have Fibro and get vestibular migraines. There are literally loads of anti migraine meds out there, from beta blockers, low dose antidepressants , blood pressure meds, antihistamines. Plus the new injectable CGRP drugs are meant to be very effective.
Hi i have tried, carbamazipan,topirimate,amitriptaline, and i have issues with all meds. My body reacts in a bad way.
Yes I've tried 6 or 7 and had to stop them due to side effects. You would benefit from being referred to a neurologist as they deal with migraines, or your local migraine clinic. Neurologists and migraine clinics have a much greater range and choice of medications than GP's. Your GP can refer you.
There are also lifestyle options, taking magnesium supplements can help, cutting out caffeine, cheese, chocolate, chinese food, alcohol, all common migraine triggers, and taking high dose vitamin B2.
my husband has Botox injections for dystonia in his neck. He hasn’t had any problems with this . He has them every 3 months. I think they start you off on very small doses to begin with to make sure any side effects are limited.
I’ve had chronic migraine for a decade and fnd for 6 years. I did Botox for aesthetic purposes and was pleasantly surprised at how much it lessened my migraine attacks. At my next neurology appointment, I’m going to ask for the Botox injections. I’m on multiple medications to help the attacks: gabapentin. Propranolol, ajovy injection, and nurtec. But the most helpful thing at preventing them, has been the Botox.