I've had FND since 2017, started slowly, lately my balance is worse plus speech more difficult. I'm not as bad as many who have this disorder, just worried that I have complete mind blanks. I have other health problems and a sick husband, who recently had septicemia. Is my forgetting words a progression or something else? It's difficult as most of my appointments are for diabetes, pain and heart.
Losing words: I've had FND since 201... - Functional Neurol...
Losing words
hi, in 2018 I had suspected stroke (all clear) but I lost about 12 months of memory couldn’t even remember where I worked had to look it up. This can happen so I have been told. But over the past few years my memory has got worse and I often forget how to spell words as well as speaking, my gp was worried and sent me to neurology to test for altzimers / dementia but that was clear . I have heard people get worse and some make a full recovery, I think I am one that’s getting worse. I also find if I am unwell or stressed it’s worse. This also affects my mobility and my drunk walking gets worse sometimes like yesterday I had trouble lifting my feet up steps. This year I developed a functional tremor that was the diagnosis as I was tested for Parkinson’s as various members of my family have suffered from this but I am clear of that for now. If your worried about anything best to get it checked out even just to give you peace of mind. Good luck. Kevin
Thank you. I know when I had full body tremors, I went on Parkinsons medication through gp, even though neurologist stopped it, the tremors didn't come back. I have the drunk walking as well, my physio was shocked how quickly I went downhill since she saw me. Most supermarket girls wait and don't rush me. I will mention it to gp next week. Take care. Moni
I agree with kev60 any different symptoms get them checked out. Hugs xx