Hey all,
So, I officially got a diagnosis for PNES - FND back in March 2023, after what we realised is 19 years of misdiagnosed, mistreated, and ignored symptoms.
I'm coming up to a year with an official diagnosis, and I'm realising that this is it. This is just my life now.
I'm consciously having up to 35 seizures a day; around 10 of them are what I call majors [Tonic-Clonic and Atonic Seizures], and the rest are minors [Absenses and Partials]. I say consciously because I can't keep track of some absences - I usually only notice them if I'm watching something and there's a time skip or if I'm talking to someone. And, of course, this also doesn't include the ones I have in my sleep [when I do sleep].
My pain levels are an average of 7/10, but I'm not allowed painkillers because the UK doesn't treat chronic pain with painkillers anymore [because they're not a solution, therefore not allowed - which is BS, but that's politics stepping into medicine for ya].
My fatigue is almost always an 8/10 nowadays, but I have insomnia, so my body is tired but my mind is wide awake, and I can't do anything about it [I was given a Melatonin prescription back in March 2023 by my Neuro but my GP is refusing to action it and the Neuro discharged me so I can't go back to him...]
My Neuro sent me to psychology because "it's a purely psychological condition" which is rubbish to say the least.
Psychology themselves said it isn't purely psychological...
They offered me one-to-one counselling for 10 sessions, which is all they could offer since their other offer was anti-depressants [which make my seizures worse].
I told them I don't need the counselling because while I was waiting to see them, I found a counsellor to work with, and since I can't have two - I refuse to give up the one that's reduced my night terrors for someone who might just treat me like sh*t [a common experience of mine as a queer disabled person in the UK...]
They then suggested a FND lecture - three sessions - that was supposed to be helpful. But I can confirm it wasn't. It told me exactly what I already knew and went on to put all the blame for the condition onto the individual, as well as suggesting we shouldn't be asking for medical assistance anymore because our condition isn't medical...
That was session 1, as you can imagine - I did not go back.
I'm lucky that my partners are able to support me enough in order for me to get my private therapy because it's expensive [even though I found one of the cheapest in the area], but if I hadn't - would this be it?
Do they just drop us off like this? Is 10 sessions of CBT, anti-depressants, and 3 lectures really all that's offered?
I'm in chronic pain, fatigued, but can't sleep, and their solution is to get me to talk about it.
The main kicker for me is that I'm apparently "refusing treatment" by saying I no longer need the lectures... Even though they have all my psych notes from my therapist...
How can a lecture be classed as a treatment when it's literally a group of people being told "not to get too stressed" while being shouted at? Only for the lecturer to also refuse to answer any questions about the condition - which I find kind of hilarious because they seemed clueless as to what we deal with.
I need pain relief, sleep support, and mobility aids - I'm in a wheelchair when I leave the house, but I'm not using one that is designed specifically for me because I've had to buy it out of pocket since my doctors think it's perfectly safe for me to try walking in 7/10 pain and fall constantly.
I just... I feel like we get the diagnosis, and then they just drop us off in the deep end and expect us to swim?
Is this it?
I apologise for the rant.
It's a nightmare trying to explain this to people who don't experience it, and sadly, I still live with my parents [also disabled but in different ways], who refuse to acknowledge that I am disabled... When people ask if we're a disabled household, my parents respond, "Well, myself and my partner are disabled. My daughter is also a bit iffy." Surprisingly, my parents invalidating my disability really doesn't help my disability [sarcasm].
My partners are trying to help me move out because we know I'll be better off without them, but it's difficult with the current economic climate... I can barely afford to live now, let alone if I moved out.
Anyways, that's enough - far too much, honestly. If you've read this far, I'm so sorry.