Been awhile and now possible new symp... - Functional Neurol...

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Been awhile and now possible new symptoms

Sjbuck profile image
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hi all, it’s been awhile.

I had a bad year with symptoms then things seemed to ease, still got odd bouts of stuff but not as consistent as when it all kicked off.

apart from brain fog, vertigo bouts and legs went just after Xmas after viral all seemed to be going ok.

Then recently I thought I trapped a nerve in my neck, started with a strain in my upper back. Weakness in left hand started but always that side been weaker. Then legs started feeling off and then left arm started cramping - assumed trapped nerve and may have triggered fnd flare up. Then other arm started cramping and legs, weakness in left arm now causing me to fatigue - shake when used in day. Right arm now starting to…

Left arm now has not atrophy ans shoulder. Shoulder tingling and thumb Luke’s to move on its own after I’ve used it and resting. Had mri and nothing trapped or no none cause. So I’m just hoping it’s a flare up but not had cramps like this before and so regular and painful. Only thing that eases it is hot baths for ages and can’t understand the weakness persisting not getting easier after rest.

Hands get weaker after cramping episodes is that normal?

Thanks for any info help :-)

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Lecture profile image

I have got cramps in the legs, due to FND and central sensitivity pain

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