Is hoovers test a proper test or voodoo.
How can you diagnose a mental condition from a physical sign yo me it does not make sense or have scientific validity.
Is hoovers test a proper test or voodoo.
How can you diagnose a mental condition from a physical sign yo me it does not make sense or have scientific validity.
They did that ridiculous test on me and then implied I was faking it !!!!!!! Do you know anyone that would still be faking it for over 32 years. I have fibromyalgia and FND one day the health profession will catch-up apart from the special health professionals that we hang onto and specialise in these things thank god they’re there to help and support us even if the systems not there to help with that.
Hmmm is it possible that it's to check upur reactions because I think that's how they diagnosis if your body works if manipulated not 100 percent sure. The way FND was described to me was your body is a computer, the hardware I.e muscles,bones and nerves is working fine but you are suffering software issues I.e brain, sending error messages saying to nerves etc that it's broken for example I suffer boughts of paralysis and a variety of tics and clench my hand to the point my fingers hurt and dig in but these are temporary and pass with time and rest so as this is caused by my brain sending out errors sometimes with reason such as stress, fibromyalgia works similarly except it sends false pain messages so the body reacts as though it has been damaged body's are complicated things and unfortunately you will meet good and bad doctors with this condition, I'm fairly new to FND as I thought I was having a stroke in 2020 rushed in and I had doctors telling me it was serious if I couldn't speak as that's another sideaffect he was practically shouting at me to speak but all I could managed was some very slurred words as my head was fit to burst, but since then I've been referred to a specialist in the walton and they have referred me on to the FND department. Hope this helps 😊
The Hoovers test is used to check whether your symptoms are caused by physical damage to the brain or by the brain and nervous system not communicating properly. It works in a similar way to the classic hitting the base of the knee with a hammer reflex; you cannot control how your body responds, it's a reflex. FND is a physical illness and any medical professional who tells you otherwise needs to educate themselves. My neurologist explained very clearly to me that just because it is not currently understood why people with FND develop it, doesn't mean it's not as real or beyond my control as any other physical illness. The Hoovers test is a useful tool for professionals who understand it. Sadly, there are not enough of those around! Took me 3 neurologists to find a good one. Maybe request a second opinion. Good luck!
Fnd is not a mental illness. Cause still unknown