How are you coping with these surreal... - Functional Neurol...

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How are you coping with these surreal times? Positive thoughts

Daesin profile image
10 Replies

With the world being so chaotic and so surreal I am finding this chaos difficult. How are you keeping your world stable?

I have been trying to keep a routine. Since i can't go to physio I walk everyday. My daily goal is now 2 miles before noon. I almost always get up by 8am....though usually begrudgingly. Then I start the morning rituals before I go walk. These are just a few little the curtains, feed the cats, make coffee, take dog out...these little routines help me. They can't be too complicated as I get distracted easily, lol, no serious.

I am also learning to celebrate 'MY' success. I try to acknowledge my efforts despite their perceived smallness to others. I filled the coffee pot without dumping water all over. Awesome! I emptied the dishwasher without dropping something. Woo Hoo!! I had a whole conversation on the phone without stuttering and losing my words. Celebrate!

And when the days aren't that good I just have to redefine my success. I made it all the way to the stop sign before I fell this time. Party! Or, Well at least I didn't get frustrated and start cussing/crying/shaking again (that one is rare). I had the whole havent fallen down all month thing going until this afternoon. But, I didn't fall on the dog this time, YES! (He's 120 lbs and uninjured) I'm sure I look foolish raising my hands in triumph over mastering the can opener, but this old girl needs all the support and encouragement possible.

Spoken words are strong magic. Remind yourself daily of how beautifully unique you are.

Blessings to all.

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Daesin profile image
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10 Replies
Bailey09 profile image

Hi Daesin

Such a lovely post you sent and a positive one as well , mine is not so positive

I'm struggling at the moment but I have tried to lift my spirits by doing what I can around the house going out on my mobility scooter with my dog but I need to see my parents as my mom is seriously ill and the doctor told my dad that she has days to weeks with us as the dementia is has won and taking her life away from us , I phone my dad every day to see how everyone is in the house but he says that mom has lost so much weight now he don't think she will last as she hasn't got the strength anymore to fight it

Sorry for writing this it's depressing x

Daesin profile image
Daesin in reply to Bailey09

Never apologize for your feelings. You have quite a bit on your plate.

I hope that you are able to recognize and grab any joy. Find one ray of sunshine and hold it tight .

You and your family will be in my thoughts. Your Daddy is about to be alone.

Blessings to you.

Sprogett profile image

Thank you Daesin,

I usually focus on personal achievements like you have described. Your post has reminded me to keep doing that despite the enormity of what is going on in the world.

I have been feeling overwhelmed, scared and isolated as I live on my own. Reading your words has reminded me that I have much to be positive about.

Thank you


Batty1 profile image

I'm glad that spring is here and it's warm enough for me to finally sit outside and sleep in the sun.....yup wrapped up like a mummy sleeping in the sun 😎

Daesin profile image

Oh that sounds so nice....

Bailey09 profile image

Hi Daesin

Thank you for your kind words and reading my post x

LEEJUNFAN profile image

Beautiful and inspiring comments.

This attitude has a rippling effect on others, which is to highly praised.

My wife has FND, and she is amazing, just like all of you.

Be safe!

May God's blessings be with you always.

Tony and Kim xx 💕

LEEJUNFAN profile image


I meant to write, "which is to be highly praised"

Grammer is a bit off today!

Tony and Kim xx 💕 🙏 🙏

Brokendeer profile image

Hi Daesin, loved your post, nice to know other FND sufferers are getting on with life be it on a smaller scale to the average person however they can, like me!

It took me years to get an FND diagnosis and years after Therapies to finally reach the same point as you - yes things go wrong with my body that I cannot predict or control, but yes I can now accept it and move on with the day in whatever way I can!

There should definitely be an FND Patch Badge scheme (similar to the Scouts/Guides) where you gain a skill. Like accidentally throwing a bottle of water across the room and for not getting angry or crying, gain an FND Patch for Aeronautics? Or managing to avoid falling down when circumstances seemed inevitable, gain an FND Patch for Gravity Studies? The possibilities are endless!

Be kind to yourself, keep up the positivity!

Daesin profile image

I believe you are on to something. What other patches could we get? I love this idea. because we all know we have to encourage ourselves. The medical world, even if we find a sympathetic provider, is not suited to us. So I think we need to take things into our own hands.

Starting a new post. I'm gonna use your idea.

Thank you deer, you have inspired me.

Blessings to all.

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