After reading this I find myself wondering if the use of the word 'functional' tells us more about the people who use it than it does about the people who have been labelled with it. I'd welcome your thoughts, especially if you have a greater understanding of game theory than I do since mine is only from an undergrad MOOC.
The 'f' word: After reading this... - Functional Neurol...
The 'f' word

Undergrad MOOC makes me think of lots of little toy plastic moo cows lined up mooing.
On the rest though I concur - although I’ve lost enthusiasm for arguing with people who’s reason for believing in the construct of the F word is that they got better after Professor Edwards et al took them in hand. Whether there was much wrong with them to begin with then is a MOOt point?
I’ve got enough piling up onto my biomedical diagnostic list to say ‘moo you” to any doctor who thinks they can slot in F words in between and try to tell me they “are real”. 👊🏻🤯😈
Tried reading but too much to read and to understand, i got lost..if you dont mind are you able to summarise what it says? Whats a MOOC?
BlackwhiteGrey - MOOC stands for massive open online courses The one I did on game theory gave me enough understanding to know that a 'zero sum' outcome is, effectively, lose/lose. Which is probably not an outcome anyone wants in healthcare if it can be avoided.
I'd love to summarise the paper for you but you'll need to tell me what 'functional' means first because, despite having a decent level of education in language/linguistics and having asked lots of people what it means, I still have no idea. But I don't like the sound of it being used 'strategically', do you?
Good question about functional, i haven't got a clue, im still trying to figure out what fnd actually is, i mean apart from what jon stone tells us.
'FND' is a core psychiatric condition, apparently. If you see a specialist in the 'fnd' franchise, that's the dx you're likely to get. I got misdiagnosed with it at one point so am more than dubious about it.
Tried replying about 4 times but for some reason each time it froze and didn't send. Last try..but basically my reaction is that thats horrid if the article says that and I dont blame you for feeling that way. How do they get off treating people like that as if its not worth their time to look after the individual? So do you have fnd as well as other dx or only other dx?
Can't retype what i said previously..sorry
Ah I hate it when that happens - so annoying. But thanks for trying.
No, I don't have 'fnd' but I did get misdiagnosed with it at one point so am aware of the ease with which this diagnosis can be given and the difficulties with getting it out of our medical records once it has been given. I don't have a particular feeling about it though, I am just curious about how people here feel about this paper.