I just wanted to add an update on my FND journey, in the hope that it may help some of you here. I personally find that I benefit a lot from reading all your posts, for which I am very grateful.
I've written before about my diagnosis in April this year after a spell in hospital with left-sided stroke-like symptoms, and also about how, after a LOT of rest, I was going to try a phased, gradual return to my full-time job.
So, basically, I'm now two weeks in to my return to work. It's been great to see my colleagues again, & do a bit of a job I really enjoy. The main thing that's happened health-wise though, is the re-appearance of pretty bad fatigue : ( I am on half-days only at the moment, & the idea is to build up to full-days. I am hopeful, but also trying to be realistic, especially now that I'm seeing how very tired I am getting.
Just before I started back, I had managed, through careful pacing, to be feeling really well, with very few FND symptoms. I've been taking B Complex & Vit D3, plus eating good food & being positive. Now, well...on the days I'm not going in, I am basically back to being exhausted, & mostly in bed!!
So...I guess I have to take it slow - I am being extremely mindful not to overdo it, cos I do NOT want any kind of severe symptom relapse. But, oh my, I do feel really sad at the realisation that I may not manage to get back to work fully after all...I guess I will have to consider part-time. Hmm...We'll see.
I'll try to post again to let you know how it all goes.
Good luck to everyone, wherever you are in your own FND journey. X