Hello, I have been diagnosed with FND.
I am having trouble believing it. I think it is just a combination of brain overload (stress) and a partial collapse of my pre frontal cortex.
What do you people think?
Hello, I have been diagnosed with FND.
I am having trouble believing it. I think it is just a combination of brain overload (stress) and a partial collapse of my pre frontal cortex.
What do you people think?
Just wanted to say "Hi" and also sorry that you've had to join. None of us wants it and it does make your head ache at the beginning, just trying to absorb what you are being told. But glad you found your way here because here you'll find the right information and lots of help and support from other forum users especially when it comes to find out about any financial support to apply for - the dreaded PIP, or ESA. Many of us have experienced the loss of work that can go along with FND. And the buzz words needed to make arrogant and indifferent doctors actually listen and do their duty of care. Rule No 1 of the Hippocratic Oath is Do no Harm NOT do nothing! Plus there's a fair amount of gallows humour too.
Hi Martin. If you tell us more about your symptoms, we can provide more advice. A partial collapse of your prefrontal cortex sounds serious. What did you mean by that?