Hi I'm feeling confused I suffered a stroke in 2003 and for the past 2 years have been told It was thought I had ms. After all the test I don't I have Fnd and the physio I saw who told me not my Neuro made me feel like I have made all this up . I now feel like I don't know what to do I know my symptoms are real and I don't want to go to see her again it's Xmas in a few days and I just don't know where to turn can you help me understand what is going on with me please x
Confused : Hi I'm feeling confused I... - Functional Neurol...

Hi Sue , I know exactly how you feel . I have many problems including internal tremor in my body , including my jaw . Severe pain and I cannot walk without feeling I may trip . Muscle twitches in my face and legs . Neuro did Mri and said not MS . So he decided it must be FND . All I get is pain killers ! My memory has deteriorated too . I was healthy and went to the gym 3 times a week . I just feel lost , and even my some friends think I am making it up . The only thing that keeps me going is my little dog . Wish we had a specialist near to us that could help. Sorry I can't point you to someone to help x
It is such a confusing condition to have. I don't even think medical professionals have reached a complete understanding of it yet. I too have been accused of faking my symptoms with a functional movement disorder- moving way too much in the first half of my body, and not enough in the bottom half, dissociative seizures and vision problems. It certainly does feel like I might as well have MS sometimes.
it sounds like you have suffered for a long time. but please don't loose hope. Our symptoms are real and disabling. Don't let her get in the way of your recovery.
all the very best.