Hi everyone!
My wife Kim was in A&E yesterday because she has been feeling dizzy the past few days and she has had episodes of this previously, but on this occasion, whilst at my Mother's, she got up and just went down.
They checked her heart, did blood tests and checked her BP, and all was fine.
They did say that her symptoms are most probably FND related and also that the stress of living in our flat with idiotic neighbours contributes also.
We are on the list to move into a 2 bedroomed adapted Bungalow, of which we've finally won the fight for following 3 years of letter writing to some important people.
The waiting is the hardest because we cannot wait to move and I've sent another email yesterday to our Councillor asking her to ask the housing if they can move us quicker.
She's sent an email so we have to wait, and she's been incredibly helpful in our fight, as she knows Kim personally.
Sorry to digress there, but how many of you suffer from dizziness and do you have any advice.
I make sure she's well hydrated and eating greens but her Iron is ok.
The dizziness is horrible.
She had an eye test done last week, which took longer than usual, 2 hours in total, and I'm wandering if the lights and flashing could have brought this dizziness on.
Many thanks for all your help.
By the way, I asked the A&E Doctor about FND, and he did say that more people are being referred to Wythenshawe Hospital with this, so it seems that this condition is definitely on the increase.
Loving wishes to you all and thank you.
Tony & Kim xx