A Request for your strength in spirit. - Functional Neurol...

Functional Neurological Disorder - FND Hope

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A Request for your strength in spirit.

2 Replies

My friends.

I was honored today to engage in a hour plus long telephone conversation with a new member of our community.

He is known as Andy82 in the forum.

This young man is 20 years old. He has severe neurologic deficits that has caused him to lose the use of both legs and one arm including the hand. Cause is unknown at this time. FND has been suggested as a possible diagnosis. He is currently in a nursing facility away from family and friends.

This young man is the essence of courage to me. We had very forthright conversation to learn history, symptoms and state of mind. He is doing all he knows how on his own to learn more about what could be happening and how he could see his way to a better life.

I flat out admire him. I have given some general information and guidance about ways for moving forward. I am no doctor or expert, only a fellow patient. His last neurologist told him to go home and find a doctor on Google. Outrageous for a medical provider. But I practice forgiveness and go on.

This gentleman has given me his approval to post a simple note to you to let you all know he is alive, determined and trying. He can not type without difficulty because of loss of hand function, but would welcome any thoughts and support you might have. Only twenty years old. My, how we must face trials so quickly.

If so inspired, write Andy a post and say what comes to mind. I found him to be a role model. He may not be able to respond but know that the power of strength I draw from you all could only be a blessing for him.

With continuing hope and prayer, your friend.

Dan / Seattle

Andy82 is the contact.

2 Replies

God bless the courage of Andy82 I'll keep him in my thoughts & prayers also. Cyber hugs 🤗 Ali x

Dan what a great guy you are thinking and informing everyone on her to raise awareness and your kind heartedness.

I wish everyone a peaceful day and your all very inspiring.

Ali x

in reply to


You are so kind but I am just like you. I wish I could take whole community to the Atlanta FND conference. Your stories would make them work harder.

Forgive my posting error, but the contact name Andy82 was supposed to be Ryan82. All my fault. Too old and too little brain left in my head. But so many thanks and respect that you took time to keep him in your thoughts.

Blessings and peace.

Dan / Seattle

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