Hey folks
With my FND I have issues with mobility etc and chronic pain
However few months ago noticed thrush like issues on my tongue ... I had tests by doctor who said "it looks like thrush from your tablets take these to counteract"... Do I took them.. Still there after.. So he said he'd do a swab.. So when he did he said it'll come up saying what the infection is.. And if it comes back blank he will be stumped..
It came back clear..
Every day I wake up with a mouth dry like a hamsters cage! It's insane and looks mental on tongue and not nice to feel either.
So doctor is stumped and I'm wondering does anyone else have similar?
I see my neurologist in 2 weeks again, she's dr Murray in Glasgow and is incredible! Works closely on FND hope website
Also been told my bladder is not working and will also result in me needing surgery to get a urostomy bag eventfully as I catheterise daily.
All from a car crash but neurologist says its FND but urology day no lol so it's rather crazy some times!
Cheers for your time and replies