can u fly with fnd stroke like symptoms
help: can u fly with fnd stroke like... - Functional Neurol...

I suspect that it depends on your symptoms. I used to fly regularly when I was worse than I am now, and haven't had any seizures on an aeroplane or in a terminal. I have had muscle weakness with all the walking required and when an airline doesn’t park at the terminal so you have to go down too many steps and back up again.
If you are using a wheelchair, let them know in advance. They will arrange for you to be pushed all the way to your seat, though not necessarily in your own wheelchair.
I guess it all depends on how you handle the stress of being in a public place, getting around very large buildings, even the pattern of the carpet (my 90 year old mother-in-law because quite dizzy and needed a wheelchair after the patterns on the carpet made her quite disoriented.)
Not sure why - my seizures held back until arriving at our hosts place, or at the hotel, when it was safe and then they let me know who was boss, and it wasn't me!
Hi there,I have not long come back from Vegas,my first flight,I made sure I had either a doctor letter or my prescription,I had two prescription made so put one in my hand luggage and other in my suitcase which also had my meds in,I had to put my meds in a clear bag ,I didn't have a problem,you can tell the people who you are flying with before gad,or mention it to your holiday people. X
There's no reason why not. The airports have in place assistance to get you on the plane etc which I use regularly
If u can't walk then can be wheeled to your seat via special chair and transfer over.
Just book your regular seat then notify airline via special assistance number and they will ensure u have help needed on the day.
There's no refusal allowed due to illness.
You are allowed an extra bag if you require medication which can't fit in your regular bag but you need proof eg repeat prescription on this just don't go taking extra bag and then using it for more clothes! Airlines are brilliant with it. It's security where it can be difficult but again they are trained to deal with people with disabilities too.
Everyone is different so call up after booking and let the customer service team know your assistance requirements
Feel free to message me if you need more help
I'm in a wheelchair when I'm out and about and Yes I flew to Australia in November, but I recommend you get a doctors note, fit to fly, because I got off loaded at Abu Dhabi and was treated disgustingly, because I fell three times getting on the plane, after that I insisted on an isle wheelchair,
Your best of asking you doctors or see how you go cause u don't want to have a bad experience cause ur fnd ... Is your fnd brought on by stress ?? As that's what my doctor thinks but said I'm 21 what's there to be stressed about xx
In November I was admitted to the hospital with a stroke like symptoms.Just 2 days before my flight in December I was discharged and doctors were fine with me flying.The airlines were great with disabled care,just make sure you'll ask for assistance with the wheelchair.If you don't have yours the airport will provide one for you.Have a wonderful journey.Diana.