After my PSA went to 0.14, the oncologist said that while he was disappointed that it had gone up, he wasn't going to do anything, except see me in 8 weeks, after another blood test, and an MRI scan. He does not want to say anything more until , or if, it went up to 0.2. So, back on the 13th! July. I will keep posting after that . Good luck to all.
PSA Oncology Check: After my PSA went... - Fight Prostate Ca...
PSA Oncology Check
Good Luck Mike. The PSA tests are like the sword of Damocles! You never know if the swords going to fall and or when it's going to fall. In the case of PSA, if it gets to 0.2, official recurrence. The worst thing is not knowing. I chose to have prostatectomy because after PSA is supposed to be zero, and stay there. I was really shaken when it reappeared. I can empathise with you.
Cheers Timz, just goes to prove you are never alone.
Hi mike72,try not to panic mate,I had my prostate removed march 2015 Sep 2016 my PSA also went up three consecutive quarterly blood test to?last one before my Radiothereapy reading was 0.13 so still considered undetectebile?but asked my Onc Dr here in London Barts to give me Radiothereapy and hormone injections to run concurrently mike?so still early days mate plenty opsions to play with?wish you well on yr journey to
Nuray, thank you. It is good to hear from fellow post prostate patients. Be assured I will post whatever happens after my next set of tests