Anyone having cognitive probs with "f... - Fibromyalgia Acti...

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Anyone having cognitive probs with "fibro-fog" (trouble remembering and learning new things, problems with attention and concentration etc)

jelleybaby profile image
19 Replies

Im having real probs with memory recall too - any suggestions please ?

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jelleybaby profile image
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19 Replies
fyrefly profile image

Ooh yes...very common problem. Can't remember words, husband always finishes my sentences off for me, feel like I'm tripping or drunk, poor short term memory, I often ask the same question 3 times in five minutes, can't remember anything recent. There's more...I guess you may be suffering similar probs ?

millymoll profile image
millymoll in reply to fyrefly

i get very frustrated wen i know what i want to say but cant find the word i want,sometimes putting a word in that has no relevance to what i was saying,i try to laugh about it with my partner,but if i am talking to someone else especially a stranger it gets me so annoyed i end up in tears x

ladymoth profile image

It's a common problem! You have to develop strategies like keeping a very LARGE diary

( more difficult to lose!) and write everything down, lists, appointments, must-dos.

If you can't remember a word, just look enigmatic, and people will assume you're a deep thinker!

Fibrofog tends to improve with time, at least it has for me, though I still have a number of possessions known as 'thingummyjigs' 'cos I can't remember what they're called!

Moffy x

Absolutely I can't work my mobile phone at all.... It tasks me... It's a smart phone ... I quite agree its Definately smarter than me.... I check I have locked up before I go to bed so many times because I can't remember it looks like I have OCD ... Not fibro....

Suggestions .... About what???? :D

VG x

On a serious note I make a list and then as I do it I cross it off ... If I remember ...

jelleybaby profile image

LOL yes thats me - I am dyslexic too - but a cognitive dyslexia with visual stress syndrome. My spelling is fairly good, but I miss out chunks in written texts.( Had FM @8 years now and was studying a degree but my memory recall was getting a real issue and I was sruggling to recall text/info)..When im anxious/tired/in pain my brain files info in the wrong place and I just cant find it quick enough.

any suggestions for memory help ?

i have found for such a long time now that i have brain fog, its so frustrating when i cannot recall the correct word to what i am trying to say, its all-embracing and frustrating, i also have trouble with my memory and many other aspects of cognitive issues . I am told that this is due to a mixture of fibromyalgia symptoms and medication side effects. knowing that i am not going crazy helps a lot but i cannot advise you on prompts to help you, all i can do is reassure you that you are not alone and you are not going crazy

Kira x

jelleybaby profile image

cheers guys xxx (nice to know Im not alone)

Vit b12 is supposed to help. Apparently professional chess players swear by it. I take it, and I am definitely not as foggy as I used to be, but then so much else has changed for me, it might not just be the supplement. Not going to risk stopping it though! You could give it a go and see if it helps.


pjmain profile image

Think I shall try that too, I have just had the doctors confirmation I have FM, but my family do not understand that my memory if foggy......

jelleybaby profile image

the NHS choices website is a good insight for families. maybe show them that and they can better understand FM

sue32 profile image

Oh yes!! Only this morning I went to pick up a prescription for my grandson and asked for a recipe!!!!!!!!!! A RECIPE!!!!! That had the whole shop in fits of laughter and the guy standing behind me said he'd asked for the same thing last week!! When she asked the name on the script I started to say my own name!!!! Must be the sun shine!!!! XXXX

cardiff69 profile image

yes dr told me its because of my age. but im only 49 i fall alot to. and cant complete a sentence.

justlilme profile image
justlilme in reply to cardiff69

it happens to me am only 25 i can fall over forget things muddles things the long time. its sad fact fms makes us all do the crazy odd things,

fibro profile image

I hate not being able to concentrate on anything. Even a 30 minute soap on tV is too much for me to sit and watch! If you have visitors its even worse as i feel like i want to just fall asleep…with no offence to them, i just concentrate on anything for more than a few mins at a time.

If i write long messages on here its usually because i have had to leave them a while a come back.

I find it very difficult to relax too!

Jeniwren profile image

I WAS having a really bad time with it. I couldn't remember what I was reading or why I was reading it! I was having trouble finding words & would usually get the wrong much so that I was really having trouble when out shopping & was about to ask for a letter for a disabled parking permit..then my GP started me on a new med for my migraines...Topamax. A really great side effect of it is that it's given me back my brain!

I'm not kidding...within 3 days my cognitive function was up by 50% & has remained at 75-90% since. I still have fuzzy days if I get sick with a bug, then it all goes to hell in a hand basket but otherwise I can remember what I ate for breakfast; pikelets with apricot jam & coffee :-) I can read a book from cover to cover again. I can put a sentence together properly & not feel like a goose.

I realise this probably doesn't help most people, but if it can help even 1 person it's worth telling.

Jess35 profile image

Most definitely, I find stringing a whole sentence together is quite a chore as word recall is missing. I an envisage thing, but not name it!! However, I'm on my second degree, this one child health nursing, so have lots of things written down!!! Both since diagnosis. Try not to give up your course it is possible x

jelleybaby profile image

Jess -i have intermitted from 3rd year. Stress, anxiety, lack of sleep from long hospital shits PAIN and poor memory recall and retention has really been a problem.I have been coping well with my FM and but the last 4 months I have had a relapse. My mental health and well being has taken a right hammering.

Jeniwren - do u take topamax daily ? or like triptans- just when migraine attack coming on ?

Jeniwren profile image
Jeniwren in reply to jelleybaby

Hi Jellybaby,

Yes, I take it daily. It's recommended to be taken morning & evening but I take it at night only. It also helps me sleep....don't need that during the day...get enough of that from the fibro as it is :-)

jelleybaby profile image


cheers i will have a look at it

do you suffer from regualr migraines & daily headaches in varying degrees of pain?

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