too much pain .: hi, has anyone else... - Fibromyalgia Acti...

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too much pain .

scareymary profile image
14 Replies

hi, has anyone else bin like this , for the past 3weeks i have slept day/night, drifting in and out of sleep, hardley eating , the pain in my hands and fingers has bin unbarable, soz for spelling , when awake , i am in a daze memory gone , am i going mad , is this fibro getting worse . xx manchester .

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scareymary profile image
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14 Replies

Well yes I have had the same problem, not with my hands

But with my thigh and leg hip, never. Experienced pain like

This I had no idea that fibro got so bad had it for a few years

And never had it so painful

I don't know could it be the weather, for me this is not stress

As I don't have stress in my life at the moment I'm at a loss as


I hope you will soon be pain free


scareymary profile image
scareymary in reply to

thank you for your reply viv , yes maybe the cold weather , i have only had fibro about a year and half , as you said , hip, thigh,leg, yes i can relate to that, we do go through some horrible pain , i have pain 24/7 never lets up, sometimes i feel like screaming and just throw things thats my frustration , but my meds are not helping at moment , i sent you ((((soft hug's ))))) take it as easy as you can .. mary.

irisjoy profile image

Hi i have times when i am like it , luckily not too often tho

take care J x

LindseyMid profile image

It could be a flare, but it is worth seeing your doctor.

I wrote this blog post on flares last year and it may be helpful:


Hello Mary, so sorry you're going through this at the moment. I am having some of those symptoms right now and am in the middle of a flare so it could be this as Lindsey says.

Best to be on the safe side though and check with your GP. I hope you feel better really soon. Take care.

(((hug))) xxx


Allpainedout profile image

Hi there , yes what you describe I've suffered with for yrs ,it is a flare up some days it's all I can I'd to keep my eyes open !! But it doesn't last for more than a couple of days

It is a good idea to check with dr . Mt hands are swollen and the ends of my fingers go numb and pins and needles if they go cold they hurt really bad and I wake up with numb hands and feet

I'm waiting to have nerve test for carpul tunnel and then may be an operation !!!

Try and stay warm but I'm afraid this cold weathers no good to us fibro sufferers

Take care out there x

bunny64 profile image

hi vivien, i have these symptoms when i am in a flare up, and am going through one atm , i do feel its best to sleep as the body needs it to cope, but i know it can be very frustrating, not being able to do any thing , feeling useless, hope you feel a little better soon, soft hugs , Kathy x

anbuma profile image

hi vivien I have these probs left foot is slightly cold at times but my left hand is often extremely cold with numbness pins & needles etc and I cannot do anything.for 2 weeks I have had the most excruciating pain in my hips and left leg to knee. one Dr said its muscular and a second said its a trapped nerve which I canbelieve cos of the amount of pain and trapped nerves can be caused by an ovarian cyst/ovarian cancer, I slept all day sunday so do feel if you need to sleep its your body telling you to.


lavenderheart profile image

Hi ........well phew !! Thought it was just me - I havnt budged from bed or sofa since xmas and I work from home which has been put on hold - pains in my arms and legs are quite horrific my hands keep going to sleep go numb and pins and needles thinking of going to my gp for what its worth will be total waste of time as they can't do anything - I don't know there must be someone out there who can help !!

michaelb62 profile image


I've been having a flare for over a year now can't seem to get it back under control. I had a lot of stress last year which i think caused it to come on so bad. But also i have osteoarthritis in hands hips and knees so sometimes not sure which it is giving me the most pain. I don't sleep I really wish i could my body just never shuts down and like has been said so many times it is a viscious circle. My hands are so bad at the moment I have only been out of the flat once this year so far and am going crazy as i moved into a ground floor flat but there is no soundproofing between the floors and the landlady who lives above has a 3 year old son who is constantly jumping on the ceiling and the one good thing that works on my body is my ears the bedroom wall shakes when he is full form jumping he is up at 5.30 in the morning my poor dog is terrified because she cannot work out where the noise is coming from so where she used to lie on the bed with me all night she now disappears when he gets up. I have no money to move again as it took all i had to move here. I have spoken with her and she is as aware of it as me and i know it is very difficult with a child so young as having raised 4 children myself although they would sit and eat there breakfast and watch a tv programme that early in the morning not be jumping off the furniture.

Hope everyone has a good day today gentle hugs to all who are suffering.


ginge profile image

yes me to, im like it in the summer as well, so im not sure of the cold weather......i also have M.E. i was thinking it was that making me sleep for days on end, i also have the pains in the fingers.......take care..xx

suwie profile image

I have the pain in hands & feet burn at night I've just devoloped alopecia aswell & I'm diabetic I've lost weight wich has helped a little I've just learnt to live with it but I'm on a flare up I think been doc she said exercise can help swimming is good but who wants to swim in this weather .. hope you get well soon ..& less sleepy cause I'm off for a sleep now xxx

scareymary profile image

hi all, thanks for all coments, i now realise i am not alone , pain is pain ware ever it is , not good . so i just hope everyone takes care . xx

Oh bunny I so know how you feel!!

But you have got to try just a weeny teeny bit?

A flare up is awful pain to put up with.

We are all in the same boat here and fibro action is a wonderful place to vent

Our feelings, our pain our desperation that we are going through on a daily basis.

But we must try and try again, to make ourselves behave with as much positivity

As we can.

Don't give in to this bloody illness altogether.

This is really important Bunny.

Listen to me get out of bed, shout Raaaaaaa!! I am coming to get you fibro step out of my


Yes I know I might sound a little bit crazy. But you know what? We are never going to

Survive unless we go a little bit crazy.

Now come on darling, do it now!!


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