so i have been thinking writing a blo... - Fibromyalgia Acti...

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so i have been thinking writing a blog or keeping a personal diary.

tovi profile image
4 Replies

The thought is if i write a blog, I may find ideas and suggestions from fellow members of the site.

An introduction to myself. Im 37, oops no 38 (never can remember) I have a daughter Alisha who is now 21 (i remember her age) :)

I got married to my now husband Mark, it was a wonderful day, we even managed to do a semi choreographed first dance, the alcohol both helped and hindered! lol

Quite frankly Im sick of my life at the minute, been off work for 4 weeks, Im not looking forward to going back, as I know they will try their very best to finish me this time. I only work part time 25 hours a week, and it absolutely tires me out doing that.

I was diagnosed with fibro & arthritis last year, it was a bit of a shock at the time, I was given 2 leaflets and told to go away and read them. Anyway I read the leaflets, and thought I have these for years, I didnt know whether to cry with sadness...or happiness that I was diagnosed and that I wasnt just a raving hypochondriac. A couple of years ago I had a microdiscectomy, which is only supposed to take 6 weeks to heal, I was off work for 6 months. And things still arent right!

Anyway signing off for now, i can see 4 of what is on the screen, instead of the normal 3 :/

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tovi profile image
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4 Replies
irisjoy profile image

Hi Tovi

i totally understand your thoughts on diagnosis, i too have fibro and arthritis

It seems to me many employers are unaware how bad our illness is , do they think its catching ? so many lovely members have said the same about being pushed out at work

I was told by one consultant that there were "plenty worse off than you" yes my brother broke

his back and is a wheelchair user but he doesn't think my pain is any less because of it !

I look forward to reading future blogs, i am off to feed arthur (itis) hamster who is gnawing at my hip joint, hope he enjoys the pain meds :)

Goodienuff profile image

I have just started a daily diary, it helps to see things in black n white I think, even sometimes makes me laugh about how bloody childish I am being over-reacting to a situation whcih seems HUGE in my head.

fairycazzie profile image

Hi tovi

well i kept a diary over the past nearly year or so.

It is very tirering all this we suffer .

My daughter is 22 so we have one same age. She has had to take over doing what i do but it became very difficult as she wanted to go college (long story so long as right decision has been made)

Think a lot of us suffer different things different days yet we all can have flares at similar times.

I am much weaker now and scared that i wheelchair may be instore for me soon to go out for longer.

We go through life with no diagnosis or knowing we even have an illness yet some of us have had herendous times during our growing adult hood and thinking what is it all about when those around you the same age or older are fit as a fiddle.

Get fobbed with pain relief etc. I was diagnosed 2012 after being born with a condition yet like you a simple laparoscopic op went wrong (whcih i triiiiied to keep telling them but put down to my age and not able to tolerate the suffering as much) and now i use a walking stick have a Blue badge and had Social services putting hand rails and more to my home at just 43 and i have to say i was like a very bubbly bottle of champagne that gets over excited waiting to get out and now am like a flat bottle of cheap plonk and feel those bubbles have gone and will not come back.

My close firned visited and was shocked that i have equiptment and think it has to come to things like this for ppl to BELIEVE you have something wrong becasue your always seen as 'normal' or it will pass and hope you get better..

I am married but its eggshells as deep as his love is for me and the ground he worships me on too..

your certainly no 'hypochondriac' how on earth or why on earth would we want to give up what we had to be this way??? it absolutely makes no sense and riles me to every bone in my body that Gp's etc could even think we are faking it, to give up going to work, having fun, earning an income to go 'Disabled' is there some secret things that they get that government know about and we dont.

Do they think its an early 'retirement' cop out ohh done 20+ years thats enough am not working till am 65 hahaha who knows how minds work .

rite thats me joggy gobby on legs xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx lots of love and inbox if like x

Goodienuff profile image

Have been in bad flare up for past 6 months, on and off, and my 92 year old dad has often come across during the day when I have had to stay in bed cos it's far too painful to be in an upright position. Bless him, I do love the old codger to bitss, and to be honest, most of the time HE is much fitter and more mobile than me, but OMG - I really had to bite my sodding tongue when he said the other day (on a day I had actually got up) 'I came over a few times this week, and you've been in bed all day'

'Yes that's right, I have' and his response, 'I dunt know how you can do that - the only time I have ever stopped in bed all day is when I've been ill' It was SO HARD biting my tongue on that one, as I am sure you can imagine. AAAGGGHHHHHHH will somebody PLEASE understand before one of us DIES!!!! :-(

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