ESA stopped 2 wks ago, and trying to ... - Fibromyalgia Acti...

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ESA stopped 2 wks ago, and trying to get work.

Tupney profile image
16 Replies

I am in soooooo much pain tonite after delivering leaflets around local factories trying to get work. As a 56yr old woman who has bought up 5 children on her own I should not have to resort to these measures. I am so angry with what I see as a violation of our Human Right's. We are being discriminated against and yet we do not seem to have a leg to stand on, so to speak. I am appealing my decision as A TOS have deemed me fit for work but have not yet recieved letter to say if my ESA has been re enstated.

I got a pension forcast and I am all paid up in full inc topped up to higher rate the last 7 yrs prior to having to give up work last june. Why are we being treated this way??? I'm so upset and in pain all down legs due to trying hard to dig myself out of this mess before the house gets repossessed.

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Tupney profile image
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16 Replies
Butterfly54 profile image

Oh Tupney I`m so sorry to read what you are going through,I can`t offer any advice as I haven`t gone through this yet.

But just want you to know you are in my thoughts.

It seems the only thing this goverment will be happy with is the last drop of our blood.I hope your letter arrives soon and it goe`s in your favour.

Love and hugs Butterfly54 xxxxx

SimG profile image

Hi, I understand your frustration. I was taken off ESA late last year even though it was because of fibro that I had to quit my amazing role as an investment banker. What they dont seem to understand is that we dont enjoy having to claim and if it was up to us we would be well enough to work but we are not! I took it to tribunal but it wasnt enough for them even though alongside fibro i suffer from proteinurea (losing all protein through my urine) and osteopenia which is bordering on osteoporosis.

Im furious just because it doesnt show, doesnt mean we dont suffer!!!!

rosehip profile image

i so feel for you its discusting , sending gentle hugs xx

My benefit was taken from me because I can do things for myself ... When your a single mum you have too. But ATOS and even my Dr's agree somehow, that I am well enough to work. That and doctors are being sent emails and letters from the Government and DWP on a daily basis about Med 3's etc. Oh and I am more or less being told that its not CFS/Fibro I have, it is because I am over weight ... I wasn't over weight 16 yrs ago ...

So, yes we are being discriminated against and it is not fair.

I hope the pain eases Tupney. xx

Mrswoodywood profile image

Does anyone know if this governments decision to do this to disabled people is being challenged through the court of human rights. It is alright to say we are fit to work but what employer is going to employ someone who could injure themselves through their inability to carry out their duties safely.. Surely the businesses insurance company wouldn't cover these employees as they are a perceived risk. I asked a friend of mine yesterday if he would employ someone that has been taken off ESA and he said no chance could cost me a fortune if something went wrong. The government hasn't thought about this they are so hell bent on pushing through their reforms that they fail to see the person, we are just a number to them.

My first post so sorry if I went on a bit. X x

eirwen profile image

my dr agrees,, he said to me who the heck would employ some one like you... i can not be given a responsible position due to brain fog,, i can not drive certain parts of the day / night due to fatigue & side effects of meds.. if i need 2 do anything around the home i do it then bath & go 2 bed with out styling my hair, putting moisteriser omn my exema.. who would employ some one who can not groom themselves if they need all the enegry they can muster 2 do a few hours work...

linksy profile image

sorry to hear you are having such a hard time i do believe it is so distressing but you will eventually get a letter to say you will be put on esa while your appeal is waitin g to be heard if not get back in touch with them. it s terrible what they are doing to people who are vulnerable and unwell. I have appealed in dec and am now waiting for appeal to be heard x it went for reconsideration but was not overturned and i got a letter to say did i still want to appeal. ridiculous

I was also turned down for ESA. I live in Northern Ireland. However I took the letter to my GP. She furious at the decision & said I must appeal.

I rang ESA & the sent me out an appeal form. My Dr gave me a sick line for 3 months. So I am now getting ESa minus £26 per week because of Work Capability Allowance. If I win my appeal this will be back dated & paid back to me. I am now into my forth month of waiting for an appeal date. It does stress me out when I think about it, I try not too & I know I have my own GP supporting me.

Why dont you try to see another GP & apply for an appeal package. We have to fight these people & not let them treat us like this.

Good luck, I hope you do fight it.

Gentle hugs


Tupney profile image
Tupney in reply to

Thanks to eveyone for your kind words and thought's. I have this morning got my letter to say that my ESA will continue as of end of may, though it is being held back as of 1st june till the overpayment of 8th june has been paid back, guess that means no money again this week. don't understand this time of morning realy, will need to read again ltr.

gentle hugs to all. Edna.

greenfield profile image

I am so sad that you are having to do this, with all the pain you are in, I have fostered children for years and love doing it , but now i can no longer carry on because of feeling so ill , this adds to my feeling useless. Anyone that hasnt experienced Fibro cannot possibly understand how it blights your life and theres nothing you can do.I feel for everyone who has this awful illness.

electricjaws profile image

i bet if you went for a interview and told the potential employer properly on the paperwork they give you or at a interview you were honest with them ,not being rude,they wouldn't touch you with a barge pole due to health and safety, you would be a liability( i mean this in the nicest way.!.)( the government ought to take therir fingers out their a**** and be realistic....)a nd don't even get me started with ATOS, at my medical i told the so called doctor i had my bladder removed in 2008, and she came over and patted both my sides to make sure i had(if you pat my side you would know i had a stoma pouch) i was so insensed by that , i mean god ,who in their right mind would make that up?... what gave her the right to do that? and then on the report she put it was on the left side, well it must have mysteriously shifted that day just for her benefit, as it is and always will be on the right!!!!!!

I am with electricjaws ... Just to quote: ''I bet if you went for a interview and told the potential employer properly on the paperwork they give you or at a interview you were honest with them ,not being rude,they wouldn't touch you with a barge pole due to health and safety, you would be a liability''

I was told something similar by an advisor at the Job Centre ... Yet they still expect you to find work?! Luckily the advisor was a nice woman and told me to go back to my doctor for a Med 3.

Goodienuff profile image

This is downright disgusting!! Has no-one thoguht of setting up an e-petition against this discrimination? How can I find out if there is one, and if not does anyone know how to set one up?

I'm sure if one is passed around our facebook friends and on other fibro support sites we should get enough signatures to at least be able to rally the government about it?

Shouldn't be necessary, but it obviously is. :-(

Waterlily profile image
Waterlily in reply to Goodienuff

Mills profile image

What gets me is how thick this government is!!! It is costing them more in ONE day of stopping our ( I had mine stopped end of March after working all my adult life) ESA than we picked up in a week!!!!! The Judge, doctor & the others at appeals do not come cheap!! Some Idiot down there should do the sums!!!!! Oh & I will sign a petition because we are most definitely being discriminated against!!!

We are TO sick to be fighting to get a paltry sum of much needed money! do the idiots think we are living it up on a pittance when we were once earning a really good wage?? The thicko's!!

I feel for every single one of us who are going through all this crap & I for one do not have the energy for a fight......the forms you have to fill in take hours or in my case day's.


Goodienuff profile image

I have signed this epetition - it is running till November 2012, so get signing if you haven't already, and spread the word.

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